VESC Monitor Android App

It was wothed a try :wink:

Just decativate bluetooth and activate it again, or restart your phone. If that doesn’t help then ???. Maybe check if the app is deactivated in the list of apps that should be optimized for battery life.

Sometimes i had the same Problem… couldnt connect properly to my board.

The following worked for me:

  1. Turn on remote
  2. Turn on app
  3. turn on board
  4. connect to the board

Tried all that, still problems. My GF has the same phone and the behavior is the same. Maybe more Android 8 crazyness? Thanks anyway, please let me know if there’s any way in which I can send you debugging info.

So is there a 3.xx bin file somewhere? Or do I have to use your tool which is only for PC? Cuz I dont see any bin files in the newest folder on Dropbox… Unless I’m missing something

I just wanted to inform you guys that a non-working HM10 can be updated to one that is recognized by Android Oreo. I just tested it with a CC2541 clone and my Galaxy S8. Once updated the phone is able to find the module again and it shows up in the app. i have not hooked it up to a VESC yet but that seems trivial now. All you need is an Arduino and the following steps: I used an Arduino DUE (because it already runs at 3.3V) and soldering the three pins was the most time consuming part (so all in all it really only takes a couple minutes). So I am off to update my second module :smiley:

Edit: second module successful :+1:


Did worked for me as well, using this link : I did updated module as well, but for now the app doesn’t seem to find it (but could be app restriction also, need to investigate more).

2 remarks though between clone FW and official one :

  • AT commands are not exactly the same
  • State pin isn’t affected to the same CC2540 IO (but who cares ?)
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I think metr modules have some sort of protection that might get erased once you update the firmware. i thought it was mac-address based but if you have problems after updating then the protection might be just programmed. Did you change the name to its original form?

I also tried this process but it didn’t work for me with the module I had. Basically the process fails when I run the firmware update in the terminal. I get this error:

Waiting for respond from Arduino… No chip detected! Upload Failed! File closed! Comport closed!

Anyhow here a video explanation that always helps

Check the wiring. I had this issue as well because I swapped 2 wires.

@Maxid, Sure, I changed the name. I also checked that UUID didn’t change. You’re right, some settings should maybe be tweaked to allow the comm. with the app.

I still have the pictures. I have tried at least 15 times, with 3V, 5V everything…if you find the error…then I love you :rofl:!

I was thinkg that maybe the module I used has a different diagram. It was a classic HM-10 clone CC2541

Here was my setup :

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the only difference I see is that I used the pins of the breakout board to power the module instead of solder the jumper pins to pin 12 and 13 of the module as you did it. I do not know if it matter, but I will give it a try. @Maxid did you also follow the same scheme? meaning soldering the jumpers on the 3.3V and GRD ports on the module and not using the male pins of the breakout board. The same one that you use whe nyou prepare the module to be connected to the VESC.

Thx for the help

That’s how I did it

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Yeh same I did it. I do not know what I am doing wrong.

Well, for metr module, I powered it up via connector (5V from Arduino). I used a little software instead of terminal. Check my link above.

Honestly your wiring looks a little sketchy to me. Did you try sending AT commands? Did that work? I’d clean up the wiring and make sure everything is soldered properly. I also used a different ccloader.exe called CCLoader_x86_64.exe. Did you try it several times with for example an Arduino reset it between? Maybe the old “turn it off and on again” works here as well.

@moderators : I feel like we went quite a bit off-topic here. Sorry @Ackmaniac. You guys should probably move this to its own thread.

OK I will. No off topic anymore.

Feel free to discuss this. Great when you can find a easy and reliable way to do it so that others can use the app again with Android 8.0 Didnt find the time to give it a try myself yet.

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Thx man! 10ch