VESC FAQ | Windows Version of BLDC tool

Anyone get this running on windows 10? @jacobbloy One of my customers is having a few issues running the executable file. Windows still causing me issues even though I don’t use it anymore :joy:

What is he having trouble with, I run it on Windows 10 for testing before I upload each update.

Mostly the problems are drivers but it he can’t open the Exe file I’m note sure but I’ll looki to it.

We got it working. Thanks for the reply!

I ran it on win 10 without any major issues. I admit I only flashed the firmware and ran motor detection, but that seemed to work fine.

Recently i have setup a website for the use of downloading of BLDC-TOOL for windows and OS X and all VESC related Firmware and files, this link will soon be a fully set up website with active download links, support documents and videos as well as offering vesc support via remote access and video call. the new link for BLDC-TOOL updates is: or

if any one has the knowledge and wants to help me set this website up that would be great i will pay maybe in vesc!

also BLDC TOOL 2.10 is know available


check my latest updated windows version of bldc tool.

iv actually been working on the installer so know it places all files for you, instal’s the correct drivers and then places a desktop icon, if you plug in your vesc before loading bldc tool then bldc tool automatically detects the vesc and sets the correct com port while tagging that com port (vesc) so the user knows its detected. you simply just click connect. soon ill add auto connect. there is also a refresh button that locates the vesc just incase you didn’t plug it in before opening.

this is all apart of trying to reduce confusion.

I’m about 2 weeks away from finishing a bldc tool esc setup wizard that will have a single button to detect foc and bldc settings and app data to make it easy for customers with no knowledge.

please every body i need feed back on my site.


Link doesnt work for me. its

yes its all the same site but I’m sorry the download link is down for about 10 mins

Your latest windows firmware is 2.13?

Yes, Vedder is working on some updates tho, if you do to the firmware tab it will tell what version firmware it uses

well i asked because i wasnt able to locate the files necessary to update my vesc to 2.13

OK. Really frustrated here. I have looked, but can’t find ANY info anywhere regarding the proper connection settings when using USB. I would think there would be some easily available information on how to get started (i.e. connected to your VESC), but it is eluding me. :frowning:

I have downloaded & installed the Widows version of the BLDC tool, connected the right-side VESC in my Raptor board (the that looks to be the “master” based on the remote receiver board being connected to it) using a min-USB cable, turned on the battery (I also tried it without the battery turned on), and ran the BLDC tool.

I get 2 pre-set connection options in the upper right (COM3 and corner of the BLDC tool software, both which do not work. The VESC does not seem to be recognized as a USB device at all.

If someone could provide me with some help, I’d appreciate it.

make sure you have the stm32 drivers installed. or it’s the same driver as the teensy uses

It should appear in your device manager as a serial com port, enter the correct com port in the bldc tool.

(for the device manager, in the search file and program type devmgmt.msc)

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Thanks Blasto. It doesn’t appear to be working. I installed the STM32 driver, but nothing new shows up in Device Manager, and BLDC still does not work. One thing I noticed is that the STM32 drivers seem to be built for Windows 7 or 8, and I am running Windows 10. Do you know if that’s an issue? Most Windows 8 drivers work fine on Windows 10…

never used windows 10, but i don’t see any reason why the driver shouldn’t work. if you do not see another COM port, the driver is definitely your problem.

oh and you need to power up the vesc.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Enertion Raptor | First Batch Problems & Solutions

Thank you for your assistance on this. Unfortunately, I have not had any luck getting the COM port to show up in Device Manager. Given what you’ve told me, I assume this is the issue.

I don’t know if it’s Windows 10 or not. I don’t get any error messages at any point. I downloaded the installer in the link above, and the installation completed without error. I followed the instructions in the readme, navigated to the C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\Software\Virtual comport driver folder and double clicked dpinst_amd64.exe. That installation also completed without error. Then I powered on my battery (I see blue lights on both VESCs), plugged in my USB cable to the master VESC (or the one I assume is the master), and tried multiple USB ports on my computer. I got nothing. Not even the sound normally heard when a USB device is connected.

Since I’m not getting any errors, I’m really not sure where to go. I’m not a computer noob, but I haven’t had to deal with something so seemingly archaic since the early days of Android rooting. It’s probably my lack of knowledge about the VESC and it’s communication protocols. Any help would be appreciated.

Different computer maybe?

Already tried. Unfortunately, all my computers are Windows 10.

oh so i guess one with 7 or 8