"Velcro Board" | MBS Core 94 | Idea ATS mounts | Single SK3 149KV | 12s LiPo | ESCape

Mainly the imbalance is from

  1. Valve
  2. Tires

The valve weights about 16-17gr., from where I know? I cut it for science :laughing:

If the tires are balanced (some are, some not) usually 4x5gr weights opposite to the valve do the trick


Awesome to see this it like this ! I think I will do the same soon :v: thanks for sharing your video & photos :wink:

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A few upgrades. I made a new cardbon-fibre :wink: lid for my enclosure and added DAVEga.

The lid is from cardboard again. I just added a self-adhesive carbon foil. It’s actually a pretty good material for building a top mounted enclosure. Reasonably sturdy, yet flexible and dampens vibrations. Plus, it’s cheap and easy to work with. And doesn’t look bad at all. Not sure how well it would work for bottom mounted, but I think it could as long as all components are attached to the deck and the enclosure doesn’t carry their weight (which I believe is generally agreed to be a good practice anyway).


