Unnamed | SK3 149KV | 6S Lipo | 2nd Build

Hey Guys! I’m “New” here. From Argentina! I’ve been reading this forum for about 2 years… I built some months ago an electric Mountain Board. Used the SK3 149kv, a hobbyking 200A trackstar Car ESC, GTB2, etc. The problem is that the board, trucks, wheels and bearings are crap. It turns like dog poop. So, i’ve been having this idea to transfer the electronics to my longboard which rides better. The longboard deck is 62 inches (132cm), cruiser style, so it’s pretty long. The trucks are some paris style trucks (“Camino” brand, whatever). Wheels are 72mm. The problem is that where i live, streets are pretty rough, bumps, cracks, etc. With the longboard and current wheels i will be facing the ground within the first 100 meters of riding. So i have some questions.

  1. My options would be to buy a shorter board with a kicktail so if i’m aproaching an obstacle i can lift the nose, using my current trucks with 83mm wheels or bigger. Which deck do you guys recommend(Cheaper=better)? The 2nd option would be to build it using plywood (I saw many guys using this method) but i do not know how would i manage to build the kicktail. Any thoughts on this? 2)I’m not looking for crazy top speeds (30-35kmh), i think it is doable. For range i don’t care that much, i have a couple of 6s 5000mah batteries laying around. The problem is that i do not know what gear ratio to use. Can anyone help me on this? I weigh 175 pounds (80kgs), so not a light dude, but not that heavy.

I do not like how my current longboard turns (wide turns), i don’t know if it is the lenght of it, the trucks, or that it flexs a little bit too much.

Thanks guys! Really appreciate the help! :slight_smile:


62 inches that’s crazy!! Even longer than @Michaelinvegas’s build. You could go with a carbon fiber deck from enertion if you are looking for a kicktail, eBay boards with a kicktail are 30-40$ if you are looking to save money. Also though if you want to keep the mountainboard design you could get Trampa trucks/wheels with this deck: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0077POC8W/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1469385309&sr=8-1&pi=SX200_QL40&keywords=zebra+deck&dpPl=1&dpID=41VX6-SQ2QL&ref=plSrch

Hey! thanks!! Yes! It is huge. The longboard is 52 inches!!! I did the conversion wrong. Not the mountainboard. I would want to use my longboard trucks (Not the mountainboard trucks). I want to build a longboard, not another mountainboard. Sorry for not being clear!! My mistake. Thanks again, i’ll look into ebay decks!

Geez you make going big sound like a bad thing lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

And I still win at 55inches lol

Haha, sorry! I just like smaller boards! 55 inches! Thats a beast!

Not a bad thing at all, longer is better for cruising

But for the streets were i live i’d prefer a shorter board. I still don’t know about the gear ratio. You guys think the motor would pull on 83mm wheels and a gear ratio of 1:2? Thanks!

For speed, 16:36. For torque, 14:36. Those are the most common gear ratios from my experience

Thanks! Using 83mm wheels?

I have 90s but it’s the same idea with 83. bigger motor gear = more speed smaller motor gear = more torque

Tomi-rc? El rc es de radio control o de rosario central? No tuviste problemas con 149kv y solo 6s?

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Thanks! Yeah, but bigger wheel, less torque, more top speed.

Hola Pablo! De radio control!! Hace 5 años que boludeo con el radiomodelismo (Aviones, multirotores, etc). Soy de Zona norte, buenos aires. La verdad que no tuve problema. Los componentes los compró mi hermano porque el mountain board era para un proyecto de él para la facultad, yo hubiese ido por 10s o 12s. El variador me permite solo hasta 8s… Aún así no tiene problemas, le cuesta arrancar un poquito pero va. No es muy rapido, creo que velocidad maxima tira 20-25kmh. Pero pensa que son cubiertas de goma. Doblar es imposible en ese. Tenes tabla? Saludos!!!

Akabo de completar mi primer tabl hce una semana usando vesc, sk3 149kv y 12s ,ruedas 83mm y engranajes 16T/36T va como piña me kedo sin huevos a las 20mph pero me keda un monton de acelerador, en la kalkuladora dice ke la maxima deberia ser 20mph pero yo calculo ke da mas de 25mph por lo ke vi en estos dias

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Aah tremendo! Vi que no estas viviendo en argentina. Se me hace imposible conseguir todo!! El mount del motor lo voy a tener que hacer casero y mandar a soldar. Los engranajes y la correa olvidate, la tengo que traer de afuera. Y tabla también. Que suerte que tenes!! Jaja, saludos!

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@onloop if you see this is it possible to have an automatic translator on the forum :laughing:? I only have 1 yr of Spanish experience, kinda hard to translate


Si la verdad es ke es un garron comprar cosas afuera viviendo en argentina pero lei ke parece ke van a abrir hasta 5 compras o us$1000 al año pronto. Kualkier kosa ke necesites avisame hay dos chicos en el foro de buenos aires tambien kizas te puedas comunikar kon ellos y ver si tienen alguna onda o kontakto en arg

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Uuh genial! si tenes los nombres pasame por favor asi les consulto que onda. Muchas gracias!

@hoochij4s @exnor @Manolo4el

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