UniqueEGo | Dual Diag 160KV | 10S | VESC4

I think you nailed it. Slightly longer tail which is even better, though it seems it’s only 5 ply…I think I need more ply than that

Am I crazy for wanting to stick this light on? It can be powered directly from the battery up to 80V, draws 12V2A


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You should not have posted that… now I have to buy it and look like iron man

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For $10 saying no is impossible…next thing you know you have one on the front, one on the back, one on your head, two on your shoulders…

I have the 4 ply and it’s not super flexy. I think the 5 ply will have some give to it, but be stiff enough too

Directfet vesc4 PCB, enjoy :wink: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8LrLknwWHGEeFZlaDNIV05PbDg/view?usp=drivesdk That was quite an ordeal getting it lol

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Looks like an awesome board! Love the DPS5005 Charger! I personally use a DPS5015 as a lab bench PSU and its great! @markyoe If you look up 48V PSU on like eBay or AliExpress you can find them for pretty cheap, I personally use a 24V 20A PSU cause I usually dont do much above 24V.

@scepterr I have actually seen a person or two use the MT60 connectors for phase leads, there just kind big and out of place compared to sleak bullets. Also that light you listed is looks cool, really big, but cool. Only thing is it seems really inefficient, with a 100W Legit Cree LED you should be getting somewhere closer to 15,000Lm not 3,000, though there obviously a lot more expensive so yeah.

Could change out the led :wink:

Wow you found my files! I was actually looking for your profile so I could send you some updated DirectVESC PCB’s. Glad I saw this before contacting you. :wink:

Posting these files without giving any attribution to what they are our who created them isn’t the best course of action if you want people like me to continue creating and modifying files for the community to use.

FYI, the file you have is not a final version and has some issues. Build at your own risk!

Yep this is the file mentioned in the first post here

Yes I know, that was my post. Just know that I took that file down for a reason, you will need to make a few changes to the PCB file if you want a solid build. Have fun and welcome to the community!

Things not working is half the fun :slight_smile: Anything specific I should be aware of on the PCB?

29T drive gear for yuneec motor arrived :grin:

Wow! That’s pretty cool

Who make those MBS Pulleys?

I believe this is where they came from: https://www.boardbumpersshop.com/product-page/yuneec-ego-ego-2-29t-drive-gear-upgrade-kit

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if I had to guess, I’d say its because that connector only fits on one way so you would have to know which way your motor would spin before soldering, so if u got it wrong you would need to desolder. just a theory. overall I agree with u tho

Yep it’s from boardbumpers. Though I would hold off on ordering for the ego2, I can’t seem to get it to line up properly. Waiting for response from BB.

It seems I got version 1 instead of 2 which it was supposed to be…I can’t get it setup properly, their support said they’ll send me a version 2 next month, but can’t really provide specific installation instructions for the E-Go2 atm, which is kinda weird I think.

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Fresh goodies

Test fit looks good :grinning: