Typhoon 1.0, Calber II, 6374 170Kv, 10s2p, VESC

A trick you can do if you don’t want to rev your wheels before you ride is to switch on the remote and very quickly full brake/throttle before the remote pairs. This will work in recording max/min ppm as well.

However, you want to make sure that you dont have throttle anywhere other than neutral when it does connect or your remote will get stuck in either brake or throttle in neutral position.


Good to know it. thanks for the tips :slight_smile:

Guys I’m trying to figure out if my remote has an issue or it just needs to be reprogrammed or something. Here’s the thing, @Jinra I was trying to do wht you suggested but apparently I can’t becasue when I turn on the board and the remote, if I go full throttle the motor doesn’t react. It reacts just if I push the joystick half way up. Once half way up, it stays stable. When I push it full up, it spins a couple of seconds more and then it suddenly stops. I’ll post a short video to mka you guys understand this better and maybe you’ll be able to tell me what kind of issue is that (if it is an issue) and hopefully help me to solve it…:expressionless:

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I’m having the exact same issue, have you solved it yet or not?

Sorry it took me so long! I kind of solved it. I found out the hi/low switch is inverted, so I was using the hi mode and I found it too powerful to me. Plus I’ve been told to turn on the remote first and move the throttle full up and full down (it seems like it programmed itself in some way) and then turn on the board. This way, I didn’t have that problem anymore.