Everything is sold

All parts are sold and shipped


those are new?

Yes 10char

Price went up?


First time I’ve seen someone raise prices after being unable to sell something :man_facepalming:

Bump to the top

I don’t think they are, but confirming with you. The trucks, are they square machined on the end for tighter tolerances for motor mounts? I believe Trampa markets that version as E-skate version of the trucks.

Lmao, the prices are still higher than day 1 :skull:

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Not machined. Brand new regular vertigo trucks

Still for sale and still looking forward to thread bumps about the price which is lower than anywhere online for new parts

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Bumping to the top

Will u take $300 flat?

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These are new, so NO

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How about $300 for everything except the tires?

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I’ll buy the tubes and tires (California).

Messaged back. I’m willing to split it up

Still for sale

aren’t these wheels 170eur new? Pm me if you are selling for 110eur

Was a simple search on Trampas site too much for you? Can you not use google to convert euro to dollar? And this is the NEW section. That means it’s new. Fuck I’m glad I’d rather work hard and be tired than be poor.

You have got some big toes :slight_smile: