[Text Responses] No words…just pictures delete words!

…ever seen someone drag a bajaboard in 2ft snow in full safety gear…my pride was pretty dam broken that day :wink:


@mishrasubhransu where do you get these hubs?

I got it from https://www.aliexpress.com/item/free-shipping-6X2-tyre-6-Inch-Scooter-Tire-Inner-Tube-Set-Electric-Scooter-Wheel-Chair/32840489792.html.

Actually I just 3 more(to add to the 1 that I got for testing) and got it for $17.28 each(shipped)

https://esk8content.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/uploads/db2454/original/3X/e/d/ed60d5cc331c3b3aa1210fc105a9184a7d8a51e1.jpg @trancejunkiexxl what? DD 6shooters? Explain :smile:


Well the cats out of the bag but yes direct drive. the six star pattern convention is far-reaching. We suspect illuminati




What battery is that? I’m looking at options for making a deeper enclosure for that deck. Perhaps a 4x4 edition if you find the battery is punchy enough? Deeper in the middle and slim at the ends over the focboxes? Those Hubs though. Probably the most interesting picture I’ve seen in a while.

12s4p. The 12s6p needs some material routed for clearance. This will be a light 4wd. Once I get my focboxes back, and get it dialed… can’t wait to hear from you @CarlCollins :innocent::innocent:

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Those are Carvons?

Yesssz they are :upside_down_face:

Come on man. @Falcon87407

An occasional small amount of missing skin is a fair price to pay for that sweet wind between your toes. Flip Flops For Life!

I’m more of a Birkenstock guy but each to their own.


If you wear shoes you could end up like this guy. :scream: @InitialDriveGTR



@trancejunkiexxl Responded via PM

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@Zyb wow! You bring the firefly remote to the next level!

Thanks man trying to :slight_smile:

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https://www.electric-skateboard.builders/t/no-words-just-pictures-delete-words-use-pm/2992/6554?u=bevilacqua @Kug3lis is that Textreme?

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Its the fabric brand that our Uni Racing Team uses for aero elements. http://www.textreme.com/markets/industrial/?gclid=CjwKCAjwzenbBRB3EiwAItS-u6uGxb8ybV-M6IvxcHstIoFMEyO0-jETpk7J9Uy4joM_He0dpDF25BoCpJ0QAvD_BwE

I can’t really tell it wasn’t made by us :slight_smile: We just ordered from company which makes gliders and airplanes parts :slight_smile:

I see… it maybe is Textreme, or alternatively some high K chinese fabric.

It’s definitely not Chinese, as they probably used same fabric they use everyday :slight_smile: