Sparkle v1.0 GT2B enclosure mod by OKP

I was just wondering when seeing your video of the sliding action: does the VESC actually adjust the direction of travel dynamically? I would think that a CAR ESC would now think it is going backwards and full throttle would lead to horrible cogging.

Why is there a resistor bundle if I might ask? (:

no need, the wheels are mounted on 360° rotating casters.

Some of the older GT2B revisions worked fine, but for some reason the new ones (like mine) need a valid input on the steering channel to output any signal. So, I wired two resistors to simulate a potentiometer (it would appear “centered” to the GT2B since they are the same value). Yours might work without, test it and see. :slight_smile:

Are they spring-loaded or on sloped races? I can imagine it would be hard to control if they’re free-spinning, but maybe not.

no, they are free spinning, rotating 360° like a classic freebord

Cool, thanks for the tip. Now I know where to look first if it doesn’t work (:

Only need to do some cutting and soldering of the trigger. Then I need to get my hand on some epoxy and sugru.

Almost done, can’t cut the trigger right now cause it’ll piss off all the neighbours hehe. And waiting for the epoxy, hope it’ll be here tomorrow. Small tip: pitch black sugru doesn’t go well with a white sparkle…


Hey folks, there has been a massive download of the SPARKLE STL files on thingiverse which I’m really proud of. I would like also to thanks you all for your kind words, support and huge reconnaissance for the ones who have started to donate.

Don’t hesitate to share your photos with the SPARKLE, either it’s while riding and or printing.

If you see any updates that I can perform, also don’t hesitate.

I’m looking in parallel on a way to produce SPARKLE remotes in ABS UV with a beautiful oil painting. I should have a prototype next week and of course, will share it with you for comments.

Happy riding !



Finally it’s done, a new Sparkle is born

Hope the trigger will keep working, might have used a bit too much epoxy :open_mouth:


I used light CA since I break stuff regularly. I figure it falling out every couple of months is better than destroying a pot every time I reprint the case XD

awesome guys !

Think I got lucky, checked it today and smooth as butter.

yeah ! it looks really awesome

another one !


Haha had the same idea yesterday, thinking the letters need some color.

Looks great!

Just printed a blue SPARKLE to match my upcoming “blue” prototype on steroids !

Quick reminder the post link is on post 178

Do you have more info on how to wire the resistors to the steering channel and also what type of resistor

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