[SOLD] Selling stuff from my Workshop EU [SOLD]

Hi, I want sell all in one. I’m moving on and I have to sell all.

Below my list:

Electric skateboard build by Ideatb 12s4p, Sanyo NCR20700B 4250mAh - 15A, Turnigy d5035 125 kv. Controllers 2x flipsky 60A. Tracks -MBS Matrix, wheel Trampa 8", BMS 12s 60A, 4xRemote, Charger. Board was two times charged, I broke my arm:(. I have problem with halal sensor in one bldc. 20190104_122158 20181109_103533 20181109_103817 20181109_103623 20181109_103638 Also I have parts:

Boards - Lendyachtz, - Trampa Urban Street, - Trampa HS11 (not on pictures),

Tracks: -2xTrampa Axel, - 4xMBS Matrix, - 2xEvolve, - 2xCaliber II,

Wheels: - 4xTrampa 8", - 4xEvolve",

BLDC: - 2x-Flipsky 6374 190 Kv, - 2x -BRH 5065 - 200 Kv,

Controllers: - 3x-Flipsky, 1x- Vesc 6 Trampa, 3x-BMS: - 12S 60A + bluethooth x3,

Direct Drive- by Etoxx, also I have my own construction in AutoCad.

Eskating parts:

2xtracks + 2xbldc + pulleys-drive+ 4xwheel 95mm + enclouser.

Spotwelder, 12x Liitokala 500, 20190104_122043 20190104_122103 20190104_122344 20190104_122125 20190104_122048

All parts are new. For all I want 3500 €, ship included to EU. I’m from Poland.


Are you selling separately? Doesn’t matter just realized

Sounds like he is moving ASAP. No separatelly. Need to sell the farm and jump onto the next train at 5:00 O’clock.


Europeans, jump fast on this one!! In 10 minutes there will be nothing left!!

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3500 is probably a good price, but alot to dishout over one sale. Gut says you’d do better parting it out.

Intrested in the Landyatch and the HS11, maybe more!

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This is the best part. Boo to sensor cruelty.


Interested in direct drive by etoxx. Is it for mbs Matrix 2?

@Stanislaw, you ship outside of the EU?

Hi, I want sell all, not few parts.

Good luck :slight_smile:

:rofl: yes

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Oh, but selling all, not separatelly :sleepy:. @Pingo03 is looking for a spotwelder right now, thou. He is in the EU.


Tbh, if we can find 4 ppl in europe that are intrested in different parts, I’d be down for splitting it. I see 4 boards in the pictures+extra. Anyone wanna join?


If you change your mind, let me know

Where in Poland

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@Idea is in Poland, thats why @Stanislaw has many of his items.

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@idea is awesome! I’m a great fan of him. Cool stuff he designs all the time.


:sob: oof. 2 wishes: This was in the US and not selling all together.

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I’d be interested in getting into a split buy if the price was right (money’s tight, but figured id stick my head it)

I would be up for the spotwelder as said!