Ride your esk8 to to the Polls!

Sorry for my lack if knowledge, I was not aware of the full meaning of what I said, but I had a close friend actually test the Eboard out. When he came back he, didn’t say happy things about their product.

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Don’t forget the Ice Cream :icecream:


mmm hazelnut

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I bought mine at walmart, $4 each, collapsible. I ride with 50lbs of groceries sometimes and these bags have lasted over a year so far.

I also use shower caps to cover my wheels when I need to take the bus. My locale requires that wheels be covered on boards for safety.

Corona for scale, do NOT drink and skate!

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Shower cap on the wheels? Safety? Skateboard Condom?

I could reason it if your board was like this one :point_down:t3: :joy:

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That tillamook is darn tasty!

The requirement for bus transport in Las Vegas is that skateboard wheels be covered by bags so that if you drop it it can’t roll around and bang into ankles. The shower caps are so that I’m not wasting plastic or keeping a wad of dirty grocery bags when I go somewhere, and the collapsible bags serve the same purpose. I actually was planning to build a second board into a trailer for pulling groceries but I don’t want to carry two boards around while I’m shopping.

Lol… I do not doubt it…hey…shower cap usage great idea…you might wanna check some hotels…grab a few spares … I got 600 shower caps for 3 bucks … They came in the little hotel box… I ended up throwing them away because the little boxes started to smell … Prob didn’t help that I kept them in the garage… Lol prob still good for your use …I

A trailer idea sounds a little scary … How do you prevent the trailer oscillating/fishtailing if it should start…slow down? is it possible to jackknife if you slow too quickly? Humm curious myself abt the idea … Not so much for towing food… But kids lol … Everyone Get On the Skate Train!!! CHOO CHOO !

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my little one would love this.

Lol I’d wanna be the one being pulled…Me first me first lol