Ollin FreeRide Re-Curve

I received my refund. Good luck to everyone else on getting your boards.


Any updates?

Bumpā€¦ Any updates? !0 months and still waiting

Bumpā€¦ Any updates?

Iā€™ve tried contacting them on various email addresses and insta etc but nothing back yet. Hopefully theyā€™re just really busy and will give us an update soon.

Iā€™ve also gotten no response from emails. I doubt anybody got their boards yet. Summer is ticking away.

I think the connector is an M12 5 pin D coded.

Just stumbled upon it while I was shopping

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Nice dig! There are TONS of connectors out there, but it sure is hard to find the ones we like.

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Yea very true. Iā€™m going to pick up some reverse gx12 2pin for a mobile charger Iā€™m working on. As it stands now, people will plug the output right back in to itself or use their boards charger. Not good image

For anybody with a haya deck. I chose to use the spare hole for the trucks for the charger pos and negative. It is fused to the same fuse as the 12v phone charger and also doubles as a voltage meter so I know what my battery is at. The connectors are 3.5 bullets btw. image

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Sorry . Realised this is the wrong thread :man_facepalming:t3:

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Has anybody managed to get any updates at all yet? Or had any contact from Jeremiah at all? Thx

This is very discerning. Iā€™ve tried on several occasions to email him for updates. No responses. Its been 10 months since I ordered my board. This is my second time dealing with Ollin Boards. The first time didnā€™t go very well also. Waited over 5 months for his Vesc.

Anybody had any updates at all ?

This is sad to see.

I really like Jeremiah. The no contract, no updates isnā€™t a great sign. Hope heā€™s doing alright but i also hope the members of our community who ordered from him get what they ordered or some kinda reimbursement if necessary.

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Has anyone seen him like at all? His Instagram is gone and he hasnā€™t been on either forum in over a month. His website is still up but most things are listed as out of stock. He still has some smaller stuff in there in stock. Almost tempting to go and buy some spacers or something small/ cheap from him and see if he even is still there at all.

He replied to my email Aug 5. He said soon. Weā€™ll see what soon means. Looks like summer is ending and still no board. A month or so to go and itā€™ll be a year since I placed my order.

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Damn, that sucks man. Glad someone finally got a response. FYI, I was told ā€œsoonā€ last December and Feb and March aaaaaand you see my point.

This is one of the reasons I really respect what @bevilacqua has done. :fire: Each time he has done a run of boards, there are progress pics, updates and post purchase support.


This is starting to look like what Enertion does. Just hoping he does the right thing and get what he owes everybody.


Anybody ever get their deck?