Not so private, creeping on ESK8

Ohhh alright thank you… Will try that :rofl:

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Noob blood is hard to find, they always run off to the ER before the bleeding can begin.


Ferret porn is so passé. @Skunk porn is the new cool stuff.


Just imagine if any kind of law enforcement would monitor this page… :slight_smile:

My cousin is Cyclops.

And while my eyes don’t open to another universe, they do open to a lazer printer. I just stare at the deck and imagine the image.

But for reals though, I use fabric and laminate it on the deck, lock it in epoxy and add glass frit.


It’s actually out there if you can find it. Lol


No way am I googling that :smiley:

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@Skunk for the only Admin.

Let’s make Esk8 great again.

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Lol. he1wkn I would burn this place down


" Don’t you think this crosses some moral and legal lines?"

If it did it would only work in the users favour seeing as this forum still doesn’t have a legal TOS

“The Website is owned and operated by company_full_name (“company_short_name”)”

Do’nt know why they haven’t sorted that out, they have been told about it before

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Im just here for memes


Can anyone please add “Meme Lord” to @Skunk 's title… :joy: Sorry… NVM… :joy:

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Lol that sets expectations. No no. Although the insomnia thing is kinda off now that i lost my graveyard job and have been sleeping somewhat normal hours


If you fund it, Jason can’t try to extort vendors. That’s why it will never happen. :expressionless:

Basically, this forum is enertion’s, and everything here, including private messages, are all owned by enertion and for enertion. If it’s sensitive, you have to do it somewhere else.


If there is any sort of private message spying it is very poor form for anyone no matter who it is. It is one thing if it is done by orders from a court but just to do it because you can is ethnically wrong because there is a reason why it is a PM and not in the open public. I wouldn’t want my address out there for anyone to see as that is a private and only should be passed through PM. I would say if a mod or admin is tagged then that is fine as it is like being invited to the conversation.

There can be far to much sensitive information passed between people on here because this is a world wide forum so it isn’t like you can just call up the person to chat because some people are from different countries.

So lets hope that admins are not able to see PM’s and if they are they do not do it just because or to spy on any R&D as most here don’t have the need to spy but I can definitely see how it could benefit a company to have inside information or to have a big enough budget to fund something that they found out that a single person is doing R&D work on and use the information they learned to beat the originator of the idea to the market and not give them any credit.

I’m just waiting on those leaked photos of @mmaner mom want to know if its true he gets his sexy looks from her hahaha


Nope, that’s all the post man :slight_smile:


I imagen something like this. He skates and gets home and mom gives him a high five cuz he is awesome Capture%20_2019-02-08-11-43-30


LOL, my mom would actually hate that I esk8. She always worried about the dumb crap I did. :slight_smile:


I want to know where the ability to grow hit mesmerizing beard from. Here him and @Sender are going full bush and I’m over here with the Joe Dirt style beard growing ability