My Danger Manual

Suggested topics-:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

  1. Newton’s first law of motion - an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an external force.

  2. Underestimating your abilities at unsafe velocities; why you will street your face…

(2a - The different ways to leave an esk8 at speed: Superman, backslider, tuck and roll, clothesline style - with illustrations!)

  1. How to respond to kids who want to ride your esk8 (don’t be a dick)

  2. Going off road on your esk8. Is it a good idea?

  3. Attempting tricks/stunts/jumps on your esk8, and other ways to accidentally destroy it.

  4. Safety gear, what safety gear is acceptable, and what safety gear is awesome.

  5. Potholes, kerbs and your esk8 - why they don’t mix.

  6. How to be diplomatic with [insert OEM brand here] riders; technical insults they will not understand.

And finally…

  1. How to make offerings to Skatan😈

Skip number 1, science is out of fashion and I think they’re going to turn it off soon.


Semi-serious question here- is this intended more for esk8 riding or is it aimed at building as well? Building is whole world in itself, with a lot of different skills and other info you need to know as a builder, but someone who just wants to ride wouldn’t need. …or that what vol. 2 is for?

Also, could you put in a “famous quotes” section with selected stuff from here on the forum? Maybe you could lead each chapter with a relevant quote?


owning and riding. Specifically owning and riding one of my boards.

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Thanks guys for all the feedback.

@treenutter i know exactly what you’re talking about, and i think i’m going to see if i can work that in. That concept is definitely worth a mention

@High-roller I like that idea, if i find a few choice quotes before i have to send it off i will squeeze them in.

@baxter all excellent ideas, most of which are covered already. potholes and curbs are something i should mention explicitly i think. thanks!

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You can never trust a dog with groceries, never

Flying rat catcher

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I think depictions of bloody crashes featuring stick figure skaters would be great for the safety section or really just throughout in little illustrations in the margin or annotated

I agree. In fact i just put it on the cover. This is the current working cover:


Yes!!! Stick figure gore is amazing.


“Squirrel out Bitches!” I love that so very very much :slight_smile:


very similar injury or death message stuck to the of Bajaboard :slight_smile:

something in the manual I got from them says under “riding on roads section” something like “when riding on the road, be aware of the possibility of car opening doors in-front of you” its kinda obvious but I seen alot of people ignore this in vids

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Maybe something like: Keep in mind electronics may fail at any time, so make sure you can safly brake on your own: footbrake, slide, …

Don’t ride at crazy speed in crowded streets


@sk8l8r That’s not something people really think about, so i think that kind of thing deserves its own spread, and i haven’t mentioned it yet, so thank you. Car doors are a bitch.

@e.board_solutions so much truth to that. I think the Riding In Public section is about to get another couple pages for this and the above mentioned topic.


This damn ass rock deserves a mention.

And chickens and others that are reluctant to yeild.


There’s one PSA I could’ve used in my early days, and the remotes you use may not suffer this, but I’ve learned to be mindful of overcorrections with throttle inputs when I’ve experienced a signal drop or interference at certain locations. Those delayed inputs can get through and catch you off guard. When the board is acting weird, best to get off and test throttle response with wheels off the ground.


this should be in massive letters at the top, excellent general rule to follow!


“If the board is acting funny to throttle input, best to stop and rationalize if it’s an overdose of caffeine and you have thumb jitters, or your board is fucked. Or the less obvious, to much bathsalts. -Florida”


YES. This is exactly the kind of thing I’m looking for. Thank you.