MAD Fury. MAD hubs Direct Drive conversion

I can’t really say, I only use vesc, and sometime it goes a bit up than the limite… but I never notice something like that (if I remember well)
maybe copy your post on the unity thread to get some enertion fedback :wink:


yeh on the Unity thread they are very busy with all the people mad for the cut out problems with hight Kv motors. So if I post something like that it will just pass. I will wait low tide and post it.


Got those babies!

I’m running them with haggy wheels and even tho they’re the 70kv version, they’re pretty darn good!

I don’t have metrics… yet, due to what I think is a metr incompatibility with iOS 13.

Pretty satisfied customer



What motor and batt max did you end up using? I’m still accumulating parts for the MAD DD build.

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man you where so fast! I ma the last one to try them with haggy that’s not right ahahhaah Amazing deck btw.

I still have the 60Kv version to try it out. Which battery do you have? @riverside.rider we are getting there finally! :wink:


Do you have unity or other vesc? BEcause unity has the new app from @sofu and maybe you can be beta tester in case.

I’m on 11s3p 30Q. I’m 30a battery max, -10A battery min, 60/-60 the motors. I’m using two focboxes.

Right now it’s almost on par (torque wise) with the eLofty 56kv.


Pretty surprise of that since it’s a way higher Kv. Sometime I am wondering if that plus minus 20bKv does something in reality. Anyway if you have focbox you could get a cheap Bluetooth module for a ips app. Wierd that metr has a problem with IOS. I thought it is fully compatible.

On a single motor build I swapped 190kv to 170kv, very noticeable difference! Both were SK3 6374.

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ok I will tell it when I try the 60Kv :grin: need to understand.

Definitely they’re not suited for hills lol They probably were 200F after a long hill.


How were the eLofty’s on the hills?

With the Haggy they would die only for very very steep hills.

To be honest still have to find a motor that doesn’t get hot on hills or when you push it hard. Thanks for the metr data :grin:

Oh yeah no complaints! Strange that I got cut off, we don’t have temp motor.

Other than that, which was expected… man impressed with the build quality, they’re silent and darn light. Love them!


cut off I guess then is BMS or VESC based. I see the temp when pretty high in your metr data. I wouldn’t advice to put them under too much stress on long long hills and with Haggy that ask more power for sure. With urethane they take hills as a champ but after several one I ride a bit more chilly to get them rest a bit. At least that what I do and I have 1000km on mine.

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Yup it might be the VESC. IIIRC the cutoff is 100F

BTW I’m impressed that they handle the haggy at all, again, you’ve done a great job sir!

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Thanks, well to be fair the motor I simply tried all the hubs out there and founda good quality/price. For the DD conversion, then thanks that took a bit of effort to make it happen :sweat_smile:


How were the temps though? Also curious about the TKP setup on a DD!