LaCroix Board Co. -- wood and CF deck + segmented flex carbon fiber enclosure -- GROUP BUY [COMPLETED]

Mmmmm i want those wheels


Actually have both on right now, lol.

It is 18/42 actually


He recently changed, heā€™s still working through the setup I think.

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I really like the LaCroix Board layout. If it was only 6" longer. What she said!


I need to try this setup out more. Stooge in the back abecs in the front.

I did it initially to isolate a clicking bearing I have to replace, but damn it is kinda nice!

The super stickyness of the stooge wheels in the back, but it free rolls better and feels more nimble in the front this way.

Need to go do some hard cornering and ride it harder to know if it ia good for sure though.

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A bit longer would be so awesome. And I wish I had made it 12 or 13s. Set up like this, could be a real speed board.

Loosing the nose is what will happen here in a good hard turn. If the bearing feels good make sure everything is tight and put 20 miles on it see if it resolves itself. If the bearing is bad Iā€™ll send you over a bearing wheel set. If itā€™s a pocket problem with the hub Iā€™ll ship you another hub if you ship the old one back.


Awesome! Thanks man.

I will shoot you a PM. Love these things!

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What would a diagnosis be for a motor that clicks whenever I hard break? Seems to be breaking harder than usual whenever I ping it all the way to breaking but still very nice and predictable breaking non the less.

Hey man, email me iā€™ll get you sorted.

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#fakenews @mmaner Who said I was mad? and itā€™s a 10s5p and it couldnā€™t do 20miles on a single charge. I never said I wanted it to go 50 miles. :thinking:

Furthermore Iā€™m not the creator of LaSag, LaSagne, LaBasura or even LaKwameā€¦ (If you donā€™t believe me you can ask @mikenyc) These are what peeps in NYC have been saying about the boardā€¦ I even sent you a picture of what some peeps did using some of the above names with a disclaimer up top. I didnā€™t make them - thatā€™s people in NYC ventingā€¦

If you scroll up youā€™ll find that I suggested that Alex make a longer deck option for people with a wider stanceā€¦ I believe someone said itā€™s currently a porsche and they wouldnā€™t want it to feel like a caddyā€¦ I suggested a longer deck option would allow for 12s comfortably and those of us with a wider stanceā€¦ key word optionā€¦ @MoeStooge @Sender seem to echo thisā€¦

Finally Please keep in mind out of the 8 or 9 LaKwa riders that started the ride: I was the only one who made it to the endā€¦:eyes:

IMG_1950 Peaceā€¦:v:t6:


Most people didnā€™t finish that race because of the shitty weather. 99% of Lacroix owners love everything about this board. I can post here at least 100 possitive reviews. Amazing board. Peace. :+1: 52%20AM


@anorak234 clownshoes is back again.

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You guys canā€™t let it go can you? Itā€™s Christmas FFSā€¦

If you want 12s just build a 12s batteryā€¦ thereā€™s room.


Am I the only one that finds this really annoying? Its not some female shit rapper.


Whatā€™s that picture from

Dabbing in front of the bull with the La Croix padded up

Are these adjustable base plates higher than the non adjustable ones?

Yes you do gain a bit of clearance of standard Surf Rodz baseplates.

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