LaCroix Board Co. -- wood and CF deck + segmented flex carbon fiber enclosure -- GROUP BUY [COMPLETED]

Off topic, I’ll be quick. That looks like the same 2 led light I have. It’s bright and brilliant and rechargeable. I ran into a problem with vibration on mine. There is a little coil on the pcb just behind lights that will rattle loose and eventually fall off. It’s only two screws to check it out. I resoldered mine and placed in in a bed of HD hot glue then covered it. Hopefully it stays put.

P.S. the rubber seal is a bit of a pain to get back in.

Back on topic :+1:


If there was any chance of incorporating the helical gear drive that @Nowind makes, then you can take my money right now.:heavy_dollar_sign:


build log of that one Simon?

Yeah that would be interesting to explore. However, I’m not convinced of its advantages over a belt yet. Looks better that’s for sure, but seems more noisy and finicky to adjust to prevent premature wear. Anyhow, remains to be tested and be seen. Interesting concept, that’s for sure.

Zero personal experience, but would also be interested in testing results.

The only thing I’m not at all convinced by with this deck is the included grip strip. I feel like it would be committing a sacrilege to mar the deck with that.

Thinking of trying out @longhairedboy technique of urethane spar & glass frit to get a better clear grip but I’m terrified of fucking it up somehow. I’m not that guy and the only way to cancel would be to scrape it off and sand it. Also not sure if it’s such a good idea with the carbon borders. What do you guys think?

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@philvanzu - I thought of the same thing, and had the same worries. The spray on grip never lasts too long and isn’t as grippy either. I wouldn’t want to have to sand down the carbon fibre. I bought the Vicious clear tape finally after trying the cheaper Jessup.

It’s not as clear as the Jessup and definitely not as clear as the spray on option, but it definitely is grippy! I killed two scissors cutting this up. I wouldn’t cover the whole board with it but I think it doesn’t look half bad. Would definetly love to be able to use a laser cutter for more intricate designs.

EDIT: You do have to clean clear grip tape almost after every ride if you want it to stay clear and not brown. I use a moist carpet brush and dish soap to get the dirt out and sponge it dry with a dry rag after. On the photo above, I had just applied it, it isn’t quite as clean now


How possible would it be to periodically replace the Vicious clear tape? Would it peel off cleanly with alcohol and a plastic wedge? Thanks! :slight_smile:

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That’s why you should buy two, one for riding, one for looking at on the wall.


Ugh, I’ve got your pictures imprinted on my brain. Gonna be a long 5-6 weeks.

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How are the orders coming along? Are you sending shipment notifications? I can’t wait to receive mine!

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i have yet to replace mine so I can’t say, it definetly seems to stick well that’s for sure. Maybe with a bit of heat and some goo gone

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Haha velcro the griptape to the board :wink:


Better still, velcro the deck and the bottom of your shoes


+1 Add me to that list Unless we can add the ver V2 on with a difference in price ? that would be great

Yes, a batch of enclosures received yesterday have been dropped to CNC today to make the holes. With a little luck, the kits will ship by Friday. Without luck, on Monday.

Hang in there guys, we’re getting very close!

Oh, and you will all get tracking numbers the minute they are shipped.


I have a board with clear vicious grip tape… it gets dirty VERY fast…

For now I stick to black vicious tape…

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Here are a few different options we’ve seen so far!


I confirm, but the wood veneer and the carbon fibre on this board deserves some exposure. I brush mine with a wet brush and some dish soap and sponge it dry on a daily basis.

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Can I know how you cut the hexagons so neatly? And how is it they don’t shift around after time?