Is DIY ESK8 right for you?

I’m probably over optimistic but it seems to me that the glorious DIY era (where people rewind motors, pimp batteries or transmission, and fried a large part of it…) is ,almost, over and we are now closer to “plug and play” era as standard components (motor, esc, connectors, battery, ) are now available…

Transmission seems to be the last missing link, after that, it will be “open design” (diy or plug and play) vs “proprietary system”(rtr, brand) and it will be a whole new game…

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Things are evolving quite a bit, but on these top end builds, they still are quite far from plug and play.

Depends on how deep you go into the rabbit hole. Some go deeper than others.


Seems like I’m still from the old Era then :muscle:t4: old school ftw.

There’s always room for creation.

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cool how do i make my first post?

join on the other forum and post in the new member thread. This forum is dead and full of censorship.


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“We see it all the time here on the forum where new guys build a nice board, don’t have proper equipment, eat shit, injury themselves, then they go out and buy the safety equipment after the fact.” … This is too true, wiped out on my first go and just missed landing on my head. I now ride with full equipment. If your first wipeout doesn’t kill you it sure does get you hooked though!

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@Sender I love your tag. how come some of you guys have such silly tags. can you create these yourself?