I want a E-skateboard

I live in Thailand anyone willing to sell it to me for cheap one i have a budget around 500-600$ usd included shipping has a max speed more than 19mph . I’m a student i want to ride e-board to school for saving my parent gas sorry about my language not a native speaker.

thank you
whatsapp: +66905757578 or email me : [email protected] or pm thank you

i have already sent you an email . i am mohamed from singapore . very close to thailand . will visit bangkok soon next year .

keep looking

You are on an esk8 builders forum. There is more than enough information, just build your own! It’ll save you money as well. Here’s a link to an easy DIY guide: http://www.instructables.com/id/DIY-Electric-Skateboard-Extremely-Simple/

if you want cheap get one from China. E-go or similar.

if you want to build your own - you are in the right place. Start reading up on builds and figure out what you need.


okay thank you I will do some research about making one thank you guys. But if anyone willing to sell it to me for cheap one just let me know :slight_smile:

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I can sell you an evolve gt stickers for 150.99$ Lol Better build your own!!