High speed (40-50 mph) build! I need advice/help please

Pshaw hits those speeds often…and is just fine…me on the other hand. I never wanna ride a trampa again lol

From yesterday going 30+ on the trampa…the wobbs are real on tramps for featherweight riders lol…

Where as in the vanguard I hit those speeds no problem… <3 flex hate stiff decks.

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^ :frowning:

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Pretty much this: http://www.electric-skateboard.builders/t/e-toxx-directdrive-vs-trampa-vesc6-vs-leopard-8072-170kv-vs-nowind/30822

Except I’m using a belt setup rather than direct drive

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Hi Keivan, I’m also a 17 year old looking to go fast with an electric longboard. I read through literally every reply and comment but I have a hard time understanding what the gear ratios and power supply have to be for the board to go fast and far. I also want to build a board that goes around 40-50 mph. I’m wondering what did you eventually order. What gears, motors, vescs, and power supply. And since this reply is like 20 days late, did you already get the stuff in and build it?

I haven’t gotten the stuff yet because ill get paid mid December, I’m planning on getting the 245kv motor from hobby king, making my own lithium ion battery, 36 inch downhill deck, dual motors, dual VESCS, and dual motor mounts on caliber ii trucks

For gear ratios, I’m not really sure about that, but you can ask someone smarter on this thread than me.

Hope this helps, its cool to see someone else try and go this fast too.

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have you ever ridden a normal longboard at 40mph?


Fast seems fun till you get the wobbles at 30.

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Hey since you haven’t gotten anything yet, lemme throw some ideas too :wink: You got a nice budget so nice parts is possible (don’t know your location though so prices may vary).

  • About your 2x VESCs, get a DirectFET version (vesc6, FOCBOX or Chaka’s version) ; with the 6 you should not get a problem crossing 60k erpm if I recall (need to confirm this, sorry if this was said before). It is expensive but you can always wait for me and other to report on @stewii hw6.4 offering, about how it performs compared to Trampa’s ones.

  • For batteries, well if you do the pack yourself you can pack a punch for not too big price. Maybe try Samsung 30Q cells because it is a 20A 3000mAh cell with decent voltage sag, despite manufacturer’s rating it performs better and cooler than both 25R and VTC6 or HG2 for example. A ballpark is 150ish € is price for bare 10S4P of 30Q, with group buy you can make it down to 120ish. 10s4p is ~450wh, that’s very conservative 20-25km street use.

  • About trucks, I recall somebody here praising Ronin trucks. Miles better than Caliber trucks was what he said.

  • I’m sold on direct drives and hub motors. Or Jenso style drive. Look at @BigBoyToys 4wd setup, the beast is fast!

  • @psychotiller makes sick enclosures for electronics.

It’s not your first e-board so I’ll keep it short to these suggestions, but 1000usd should allow for a nice setup damn !


This "going fast " is like buying sports car we want the fastest out there but soon to realize this is to much and just cruise and never go fast. You have yet to actually go 30 or even 40 .Also it’s going to be hard to hit 40and up with nonhub and direct drives


Id say this is generally true but my 4wd Carvon breaks 40mph, acceletates well and is the most efficient board I have. Cant say anything negative about it besides it was expensive to build lol.


My advice for you is to save up some money for the doctors before you go out and ride this thing


Surprisingly yes. Me and my friends are a bit crazy. They would drag me behind their car going 50 mph down a smooth road on a regular non-electric longboard.

sounds like you need new friends :joy:


Lmao. But I kind of get used to the speed wobbles and learned how to control them

When the vesc blows up and your screwed and get badly injured don’t come blaming any brand here in esk8 just saying that now.

Nah I won’t do that

Hard to believe but I give you the benefit of the doubt.¨ Anyway, you should feel super comfotable at 50mp/h. Comfortable in a sense that you can take sweepers both sides, hold your side in turns, being able to speedcheck, drift and slide coleman and toeside. EVEN then it is still super risky to go 50 with a 30lbs piece of wood.

Further down you make a remark that is truely scary for me:“Lmao. But I kind of get used to the speed wobbles and learned how to control them”

If you are getting wobbles so often that you are trying to controle them… I am afraid for your safety honestly. Wobbles aren’t an oh shit moment or a difficulty you have to overcome. It is a deadly, silen’t killer. No joke. Most deaths in longboarding are because of wobbles. Itmeans a rider is either sloppy or going over his own limits and it kills them. 14 poeple in the USA alone last year to be exact. If you fall even at 60mp/h but it is controlled and on your terms it is mostly harmless. BUT if you fall out of a wobble, with all that momentum, rotations, and katapult like propulsion shit gets nasty or like I said above deadly.

I seriously urge you to go out there. ( with porper safety gear) spend a year figuring out speeds of 30-40. Controling it, living it knowing how big your apex is at that speed. How lonnng a full stop takes on what kinnd of wheel (duro, contact patch, size). Not trying to be a dick or anything, if at all take it as an invitation be get your skill on par with your ambitions.

I am planing a crazy fast build as well (4wd even). I wanted that for ever. But I said to myslef. It toock you so many hours, of painful falls, endles walking up the same parts of a road, just to figure out how fast I can take corners. Basically it toock me 1 whole year to feel at home at 50 (not my first year skating, my first year understanding and learning what 50 means). This was a few years ago and still today as soon as my eyes start to hurt, i feel the pressure in my ears I know I am close to 55/60 and shit gets real. Muscle memory kicks in, you have to plan your ride ahead suddenly, try to read the road etc. etc.

The beauty of downhill or high speed skating in generall is to have that burst of adrenalin, that moment when your mind shuts off, everything goes quiet. You are no longer thinking, just instintively gliding over this beautiful planet. But going home, being able to tell the tale and do it all over again that’s what it is about.

Some motivationn for the nnnescessary skillset fur such an endevour:

many close calls thanks to skill

All the luck inn your project man, but stay safe !!


Okay I’ll keep that in mind, thanks for the advice!

Just going to leave this here. take from it what you will.


okay thanks!