Help with wiring and where to put my xt90 anti spark connector

image Before I plug it all in do I plug the battery connections in first then the anti spark key? And is this wired correctly minus the exposed motor connections?

Im on my phone so it’s hard to tell. But it looks like positive and negative are opposite between esc and battery.

Esc has red on left black on right. Battery and loop are red on right, black on left.

Second pair of eyes not on a phone? @mmaner @b264 @Sender @Battosaii ?

I’m in my phone too, wife’s car died, waiting on a tow truck…

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sorry for the bad picture but the red is on the left and the black is on the right of esc? Just had wires twisted: and in what order should I connect the rest of the wiring ?

Oh i see where it twists now.

As long as the loop key isn’t plugged in it doesn’t matter

The photo is blurry and one of the XT90 connectors is installed backwards, but I don’t see anything wrong.

Of course I don’t remember which side the + and - connect on that ESC and not sure about the power switch wires…not sure about a lot of it.

But I don’t SEE any definite fire hazard.

*Always plug in the loop key last. Never ride the board unless it’s all the way plugged-in.


Thank you I’m trying to get a better understanding of how everything works. So much appreciated

Good news, it’s only Tuesday… wait :weary:

Looks right to me, do you have a multimeter?

To be sure unplug the ESC, then connect the loop key set up to the batter insert the Antispark and test voltage coming out where ESC should be pluged in, just make sure the polarity is correct

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Yes I do have a multi meter I will check it thanks. Do I need a toggle switch or will the loop key act as it?

Loopkey is basically your on off switch

Thanks just checked and it has polarity!!

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Any reason why my remote isn’t pairing with it when it has in the past? Only thing I can think of is the new rocker switch. The old switch I had to push to pair.