Help with longboard Trucks

Hey guys I need a pretty long axle(12mm diameter axle) for my electric skateboard build and am finding that the only ones that i can find online are these: ( The problem is that I want my electric skateboard to be based on a longboard, not a mountainboard. Can I just replace the baseplate with these:( Thanks

By the way, I’m trying to replicate @fliess 's direct drive. (

What you are looking for is…

…Evolve 12" inch double bushing Carving Super trucks.

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The axle in the Super Carve trucks is only 10mm though, not 12!!

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The hanger…is 10" inches …with the axles is 12" inches flat. 306 mm in all (or 30 centimeters and 6 millimeters wide) measured by this chest …yeah boy, think this is wide enough.

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mm, not inches. the actual diameter of the axle. OP wants 12mm for strength not 12" for space

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Oppps, my mistake. didn’t read that.:hushed: