HELP WITH BLDC SETTINGS - Vesc shutting off when speeding up

That is the answer… I bought M3.5!!! Ahhh. Thanks. I thought M4 seemed too big. Legend.

Do I put washers on it at all?

You can do. Looks nicer and potentially spreads the force. I have on mine!

Quick update.

Have taken it for a whirl, now just working out the casing for the electronics. I originally started on a wooden box, but think I am going to scrap that idea, because it is proving too difficult to absorb the flex. i.e. with foam.

Going to go plastic for the time being and just get it done. Then maybe upgrade later.

Also, you will notice that it automatically brakes when I stop accelerating. I have fixed that now. Just hadn’t calibrated the remote properly at this stage.

Cheers, Alex


I am having an issue where when I hop on the board and take off it cuts off quite quickly. I think it might be something to do with the Battery cut off … but really not sure.

Can someone please take a look at my settings and let me know where I might be going wrong?

I have a 10s3p Battery pack and a VESC 4.16 Thanks in advance!

Fixed the shutting off. It was my Battery Cutoff/Start I think. Now however it accelerates with power up until a certain point then it just drops off. Figuring out that issue now…

Great to hear yet another issue is solved!!

I am just getting familiar with vesc and bldc tool myself…

check this fellas tutorial at around 30minutes…

he goes over min/max erpm which must be calculated based upon YOUR motor.

This entire tutorial is very informative (and lengthy), i recommend it!