General chat is broken!

How would one go about accessing this chat

The megaphone in the top right of the website. Very little people actually know about it lol

OMG WTF Thank you

No problem lol, spread the word. There is only like 10 reoccuring people that talk with us :frowning:

I found it right away and it really helped with a few quick questions when I was picking parts! I do like watching and reading what people are talking about.

A web app design tweak could fix that. What framework is it written in and who maintains it

ā€œSorry, I donā€™t work here.ā€

Fair enough

Lol looks like I had the last word in chat :yum:

But who does that can start a new topic/thread? for it so chat worksā€¦

Just gotta wait for @onloop

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Can we hurry up and wait?

The longer itā€™s broken the more people will find out a chat exists :rofl:

Thatā€™s how I know about it. :smiley:

Also how I know about it. I guess I forgot the /s

Waiting is the only thing you canā€™t hurry up and do

This is a problem in Babble chat along with the issue with the text input on mobile, dev of the plug-in is aware of the issues. The too many messages one I believe I saw a workaround for but donā€™t recall it off hand.

The mobile issue I believe could be fixed with a css adjustment I was able to get it working with this js in the remote debugging on my phone:

document.querySelector('.babble-menu .babble-chat').style.height='80%'

Unfortunately doesnā€™t seem to work with JavaScript: in the address bar like it usually would apparently either chrome security or something with the js on the page intercepting url changesā€¦ I dunno exactly.

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Fixed. Thx for the notification fellas!


@treenutter time to fix again :wink: Can we maybe increase the limit from 10000?

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General Chat is broken in more ways than that. The button to make it fullscreen has NEVER worked. Itā€™s stuck a tiny little drop-down

Dang it I was in the middle of something D: To add on to the problems, the mobile version of it is really hard to use for a lot of us.