progress [OFFERS ONLY]

There is one with 11teeth, 15mm wide with 8mm hole (this one has been used) Second one is 15teeth, 16mm wide with 10mm hole, new

both aluminum and 5M teeth


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Sensor cables for anyone who needs them (free ofcourse) 20181003_200459


You sure you dont want to keep the broken truck for memories ?

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I need some

@BoostedBuilder I need 2 of those at the moment :smiley:

I’ll take 2 if any left

Are they sensor wire adapters or extenders @BoostedBuilder

I guess both at the same time. From 1.5mm to 2mm pitch and 25cm length.

If there’s any left I’ll take a couple

I wwwwwaaaannnnttt!!!

I’ll take two if you have some left

I have two of those 6368 280kv motors i just got in the mail. Was looking for 10mm pullys . Did you ever use that motor?

Mine was DOA, so no experience…

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There was a mixup in one of my orders and riptide gave me some free pivot cups.

image Riptide Indy Pivot Cups

They apparently no longer fit the tb 180mm trucks :frowning:

Just pay shipping


If these fit the 218mm Tb trucks I want please

The TB 218s take regular Caliber 2 cups

Those are made for Indy trucks

I think those will fir SR tkp trucks. These ones?

Or are they these They are for SR rkp.

Both truck i have. Ill take them please

@Skunk Sry shipped to someone else :frowning:

All good dude