Free camera! Design my workshop competition


So we were thinking you should knock out the wall to the left hand side as you enter garage. Looks like a column needs to be kept there, but demo walls to allow more light into that back workshop area.

Build up a small ramp within that section between wet area, so you can skate up and back within the 2 spaces and as a transition break between the 2 areas.

Build a L or U shaped workbench running along that left wall and to the back. Build lots of storage shelves and peg boards for tools. If you build a small return bench this could be used as a welding areea.

Boards could be displayed on a rack between that column and wall where the walls was demolished.

Block off or just dont use that door to the right and put a couch along the wall of toilet. Some graphics on the wall above the couch. ok shelves for some nice spirits. Theres a fridge.

Then an entertainment system to the back right hand side. So you have work and play. PS4 or Xbox would be good in there

Can you like and subcribe to my Sons YouTube channel everyone. He wants to get to 100 subscribers by the end of year. He would also like to win the cam, so develop his gaming channel. He does everything himself, and he did the minecraft model himself. The first floor is what he thought you could do upstairs.

Anyway some ideas for your space.

Wow that is pretty impressive! I will make sure i subscribe.

Haha that’s awesome :metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2:

I especially like the part at the end when he burns it all down :fire: :fire: :fire: is my instagram if you were looking for it.

Following and subscribed.

Hes a bit of a piro. The thing is if he didnt put it out it would have all gone up in smoke. Hell explode it next if he doesnt win. :wink:

If you hang a tv on very back wall you can use the space under it. I see that other side as loungie area. Maybe more comfy seating there.

Here’s my attempt, all the best for the workshop!

some good entry’s starting to come in… only 20 more days till I give away free shit!

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Can you modify the walls and floors? How extensive are you wanting it to be?

The fish is for a gold fish or aquarium The hat and umbrella is for a hat/coat/umbrella stand…next to the slot machine The beer is a mini bar and fridge
Edit: add an area rug to dampen the echo when your filming on the casting couch and of course the camera!:video_camera:

Hope you can read the rest

Ps. Did this with my phone


I can’t believe how much effort I’m putting into this :poop:

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Dude, did you put a bang bus in the garage? Lol.

Nah man that’s a true story lol

Didn’t make it up … I know life is freaking funny like that

Added the :bus: Just for you @Mobutusan​:metal:t2:

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@Michaelinvegas Aww, you’re a sweetheart. And you went with a full size bus too! I’ve always thought of myself as more of a short bus type. :laughing: I’d do a thank you dance for you, but there’s no pole in the office…And I thought this was supposed a legitimate place of bidness. :thinking:

Got a casting couch…who needs a pole? :barber:

I appreciate the effort

True story

Looked at my face page and one of my friends is looking for an X-pole

So, a friend of hers says she has one, but she waiting for her son to move out so she can put it in there when he clears his stuff out

An X-pole is a stripper pole that has its own stage affixed to the ceiling

brah first rule of vegas

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