FOCBOX UNITY | Support, Setup & Troubleshooting

Yes adjustments to the motor detection should fix that issue.


Somebody else is working on the new Android app. I don’t have a beta for external right now but maybe soon…

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Yeh don’t have iphone anyway. Mean time ordered metr module. We’ll see it

So I noticed the unity android app updates itself automatically (good). Now, I suppose the firmware update towards the Unity is to be done manually? And this with “included firmware” selected? (I always got confused with that one, but looking that the app updated itself, it seems logical that it is the included in the latest app upgrade.) Then I have to do this as I only did it at first connection. What is funny is that when I connect my phone, it doesnt say anything special. When I connect my buddy his phone (with the app installed lets say 2 weeks after me, for a group ride he would use my board), his phone says the unity runs old software.

when you open the app and connect the unity you should get the message that you are using the old firmware. Then go to firmware window and simple press update. 23.43 last update. Did it this morning

Well that is not the case for my phone, it was for my buddy. Tested at the Wavre karting event and the day before (as he never ridden before, I dropped of all my stuff bar my phone, so he had to install it to know the batt % as I have no display built in)

just check that you are using 23.43 firmware. if not than update the app from google play and try again. IMG_20190415_154611

Tja Rey, as I never did the manual firmware flash except when I unpacked the thing a month ago, I guess not :blush: Aha, I just remember I have the board with me haha, walking to my car now

you always have to do it manually. The app tells you but then flashing it’s on your own. If you do it through bluetooth put the phone always awake otherwise the uploading stops while phone locks itself. At least mine does that.

:arrow_up: This

Also spin your wheels every few minutes to keep the unity from timing out!

(or just change timeout time, my update took ~10 minutes)

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i just press the bottom fast once in a while. It also works. Didn’t think about the wheels. Thanks

@Deodand, my issues seem to be completely fixed with the new firmware. No stutters on my sensorless motors, even with just a tiny push. Hard accelerations also behaving predictably.

Thank you very much for your hard work. And yours too @Blasto.


Great to hear your stuttering is fixed, thanks for the feedback.

@venom121212 the latest FW now refreshes the off timer during FW flash so this will be the last update where it’s possible for it to autoshutoff (it shouldn’t corrupt even if it does but will cancel update). Now to make it keep the phone screen on when pushing FW as well haha. Thought of that last minute and it was more involved than expected since the app isn’t native.


Ok now I’m worried…i see a lot of people complain about bad solder jobs. I have not checked my connections yet. I’m new so I’m worried about failing to identify a bad solder joint…although my skills have improved to finally finish my bullet connectors…I’m still worried20190414_153338


If you have the platinum warranty and feel adventurous, cut the heatshrinks carefully and look if the solder joints are fully covered and shiny. You don’t want anything matte, grey and crumbly especially.

Best part, you can re-shrink them if everything looks good.

I see that you step up the connectors through adapters. If you really feel brave, step up the wires to 12AWG and put your connectors on them. :slight_smile:



By the way, the cold solders, etc were from the special edition. It’s a first batch unity. So I guess subsequent batches might be fine?

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I would love to know what the number of cold solder joints were on a larger scale. Especially from someone who sold Unities, and redid the connections (ahem @Jlabs :wink: ) but I dont want them to get in trouble with Enertion… :joy:

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I think you forgot @mackann too. :smiley:

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Good point!

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On the legacy focbox I’d say cold solder joints were around 30-40% (based on the shear number of connectors I changed).

I probably only swapped connectors on 10 Unity’s and maybe only found one cold solder joint out of 60. Pretty good IMO.

Entertain said their resellers can change the connections and not void warranty.