
No, I got two Focboxes running with Ackmaniac firmware and controlling via the app. Doesn’t the Unity have its own software?

Ah Yeh focbox, vesc 6 ecc are perfect with the app. I was talking about the unity. It is based on vesc software. You have UART port ecc. It’s just not optimazide yet. I hopo @Ackmaniac will find the time to make it compatible.

Sorry man, I want even aware that people were trying to run the Unity on Ackmaniac’s software! My bad.

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No problem. Thank you for trying to help! Appreciate

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When I activate cruise control on my remote, somehow speed doesn’t stay on where I want it. It slowly ramps up to its top speed. Does the firmware have a setting/settings for this?

Feather remote.


Seems that your throttle signal changes when you activate the steering on your remote. Best would be to chack that in the tool. Just connect to the master where your throttle is connected. Activate the throttle realtime and check if the throttle ppm signal changes if you activate the steering channel which is connected to the slave.

If that is the case then it might help to increase the deadband a bit.

Cruise control is activated on the feather remote via the trigger button. As soon as I set the speed, I let go of the thumb throttle and just press on the trigger button. But this slowly ramps up to the top speed.

For some reason, I couldn’t get the cruise control on my mini remote so I switched to the feather one since I’m going to be mainly using it anyway.

Thanks for the awesome firmware. Donation coming your way as I type this. Appreciate the time and effort you put into this

Well, I don’t really know how the feather remote is doing cruise in detail. Don’t have one myself. Is the firmware available? And please check if the throttle signal changes when you press the cruise button via the ealtime app data in the ackmaniac tool.

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I’ll do the realtime app data test.

Here’s the firmware source:

It doesnt work like that…

My cruise control just simultes a permament PPM signal at the throttle position u pressed the cruise control button like the originals cruise mode from SolidGeek. In Current Control Mode it doesnt really work in low speeds. I ll take a look into the Original VESC Cruise control. DroidSector has done it…


Why not submit these changes to the upstream repo so it’s also in Vedder’s releases?

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  • Cruise control with PPM remotes creates a ground loop and can damage your ESC! Such a feature should not exist! People potentially blow up their ESCs using that feature. Technically wrong, especially with more different Hardware hitting the market.
  • Timeout ramping could be a good feature if you have a reliable detection of remote cutouts (which highly depends on your remote and receiver) Benjamin will ad that, but priority is a remote connection that does not cut out in the first place and has a safe detection for connection issues. Rather than messing around with subpar black box RC recievers, Benjamin focuses on a nice way to handle the issue.
  • different power levels for front and back axle for 4WD (how many 4 WD builds needing such a feature exist in reality?) 4WD torque vectoring would be more handy for such builds. A fixed power level shift is possible already with stock FW.
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Not if you use 2 receivers.

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Just tried the reverse function (current mode). Its perfect! Just like a boosted board!

I had to turn on traction control to get it to work perfectly. Super useful. Very nice that you can brake fully and keep it “handbraked” and that it only reverses when i press the brake for the second time! Great work @Ackmaniac


Does the reverse work like a RC car ? Like a “Trigger backwards = Brake then reverse” and " trigger forward = accelerate forward"?

Brake gives brake but if i touch the brake again when stopped it reverses


Ok so when you wanna brake while in reverse you press throttle? And it does the same (brake till stop and press again to go forward again)?

Edit : Dumb question but just to be sure ,I had a long day lol

No when i reverse and press foward it brakes and then moves foward. No need to double tap foward.


This is such a nice function to have a stop lights and cross walks… I use it constantly, I couldn’t imagine not using it.

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I only regret not using it sooner :joy: