EVO SHRYKE | Landyachtz Evo | Calibre Baseplates | Dual TB 6374s 190kV | 100mm BOA | 12S | Focbox Unity

Looking good!

And damn that floor is pretty.


That is some lovely parquet right there. Board looks good too btw before some twat flags me for being off topic



Bought a bunch of M5 stainless steel wood inserts to mount my enclosure! 20181130_183618

Played around with the washer set up and chatted to the lads about the right amount of inserts to use and settled with 5 a side. 20181201_113924 20181201_123205

Read every enclosure mounting thread I could… Lined everything up. Got the four corner bolts in place. Kept checking my work, everything was looking perfect.

20181201_172842 20181201_165805

And then bam! After I did the last six middle bolts the enclosure somehow ended up slightly to one side. There is still a gap between the enclosure and the edge of the board, but when you’re going for perfection, it being off centre is a bit of a let down. But, you learn and for my first deck and the angles of the @eboosted enclosure, it could have gone a lot worse.


All angles of my board will now be as follows :smiley:


In happier news! Bushings and pivot cups are in as well - super stoked @Alphamail 20181201_185125

Just waiting on the unity and then we will be good to go!!!


Nice! Where did you find the stainless steel inserts?

That looks lovely. At least you didn’t muck up one of the inserts. That was my biggest fear.

I do wonder where it went wrong because the lining up looks right initially.

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I company called Anzor here in Australia. They weren’t cheap mate. 21 cost me about $70.00 AUD with shipping.

I thought the same thing. I have no idea how it could be straight then move that much. Next time I’ll lay off the beers while doing it :joy:


The Dangers of Trusting “Mates / Friends” - Use Trusted Sellers & Use PayPal

This probably almost justifies having it’s own topic, but let’s hopefully assume the skateboard community isn’t filled with dishonest people who don’t give a second thought about lying straight to your face. It’s a long boring read so feel free to skip to the pictures :slight_smile:

I haven’t been as active on the forum as late, partially because of work, partially being involved in a long drawn out process of being lied to, and basically scammed out a unity.

It all started in late May 2018. Someone who I considered a close friend and crucial member of intimate skateboard community sold me two Focboxs. This was the beginning and the foundation of my build. I had spent months researching the forum without an account and I finally had the building blocks to commit and start the build.

I paid $350.00, transferred from my account into his account. I have proof of purchase, there’s never been dispute of me having paid the money.

Over the next two months, I had decided I would try build an EVO for my first build, which in my mind was probably a more complex first build. I started ordering parts. This is when Enertion released new that they were releasing the unity. I thought, this is great, it’s going to streamline and simplify my build.

I told my ‘mate’ and he was all over it! He said that through his ‘new electric skateboard shop’ (that never seemed to eventuate), he was going to order a few. This didn’t seem unusual as he had over 10 focboxs that he was selling.

I was pretty content on keeping on focboxs until one day he called me up and said he had order 20 Unity units. Buying in this quantity and in pre-sale had reduced the price significantly. Quick math, he basically was saying he had just ordered $7000 AUD worth of Unity Units. My first mistake was not thinking twice that this was a ridiculously large amount. But why would I have any reason to doubt him? This was someone I would skate with weekly, go and grab beers, take his daughter out skating with us etc. Furthermore, he showed me an invoice on his phone for 20 Unitys. I know now that this was most probably a quote.

He then propositioned me to swap my 2 Focboxs for a unity when it arrived. He said he needed to replace one for our other friend, and needed one himself. I didn’t have an issue with this at all. I delivered them to his house and everything was sweet.

Side Note: In the interim of Enterion starting to post updates of the Unity coming out. Another member of the community wasn’t happy with a product that ‘old mate’ had sold him. During this process I endlessly defended him to the end of the earth and always had his back.

When the Enterion updates started I was stoked. They were boxed and ready to go. You may have seen my posts about 20 Unitys coming to Perth, endless banter with @onloop, and just high spirits. I sent my ‘mate’ these updates, he was playing along the whole time that the Unity was still a thing!

5 December 2018 comes around and in the Enterion newsletter the photo of the all boxed Unitys comes out! I send him a screenshot and he replies ‘yeah I know, I saw that last night!’

11 December, I ask for an update. He said he hadn’t heard anything. 12 and 13 December, I ask several times for an order number. This is where I knew I had been made to look like a fucking idiot. He went off at me advising that the order number was not going to speed anything up etc etc.

This made me really suss that something wasn’t right. I was able to confirm that low and behold, nobody by his name had order a unity and guess what, there was no quantity of 20 unitys ordered in the whole of Australia.

Two days later I went to his house. I didn’t bring up the issue, I just ensured I had all my skateboard parts and got my battery shrink wrapped. As I was leaving he said ‘I’ll see you next week’, I replied why, he stated ‘your unity will be here’. I knew at this point he was full of shit, but I had been trying my hardest not to knock his head off, so I just smiled and drove off.

He hasn’t replied to my messages since. Which have all been pleasant. I’ve asked him to refund my money, which hasn’t occurred. I haven’t been rude or distasteful, because I’m not a shit bloke.

I basically had a my board ready to go since November without any Vescs to power it. I had made a 12s5p so the enclosure was already tight, and the whole plan was to get the small unity to fit in there. To top it off my car got stolen :sob:

This whole situation just put a dampener on finishing the build or even riding my other board at all.

The best thing about this forum is the actual real mates you make. @dareno told me to stop being a little bitch and get on with my build and @skunk sent me his Unity to finish my build, and told me just to pay him when I could afford it.

There’s a whole bunch of blokes on here that know who they are that are legends. I just hope one day I can be sitting in their local bars with their friendly bartenders, sharing a frothy.

You think I’m going to re-read this to make sure it makes sense? You thought wrong.

Enjoy the photos - These are from my test runs. My top speed so far is 58km or 36mph. I’m still tinkering - But hopefully done soon!





It’s a beautiful build man. Glad things worked out in the end and i could help out. Hopefully that dbag gets what’s coming to him.


Nice to see you made it finally on the road and looks like the settings work for you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Hope you will have as min a little changes to get your money back. Give it a try and speak with your bank please :pray:


Phew I remember reading about all the unities “coming to austalia” and being crazy jealous. I had no idea it spiraled into this. Cheers to you for keeping on through all of it. I think I already promised you a beer once but this now makes 2 I owe you from the local… cob :wink:


Mad love bruv! Glad to see you excited again lol. Now post roo porn!




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Well lookey what we have here. A little bitch with a proper first build. Looks spot on. Well done that man.
There are no extradition laws between WA and QLD mate so next time I’m over that way I’ll burn his house down.:sunglasses:


Looks awesome Seb, I’m glad you got there in the end. You’re a great acquaintance


well done with the build seb. sorry shit hasn’t been going your way much lately but there’s always light at the end of the tunnel my friend! Lemme know when you come over to Sydney! :blue_heart:

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Following. Interested in the settings you ended up with Seb and which GUI you used?? And ugh about the other thing…

wank flume


I’ve never heard that before and have no idea what it means. But it’s absolutely what I’m calling @Skunk from now on :joy:.