[EU] Flywheels | Calibers | marcmt88 mounts | 5045 | belts | ALU pulleys | belts

Hubs are direct drive technically yes. Even more so if you want to get super technical.

Gears are not direct drive, that’s how you summon @b264


3rd dibs on the racer stars and motor pulleys?

Alright, assuming they are in good condition, I want the both the racerstar motors and the calibur trucks. shipping to barcelona.

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Love your avatar. Don’t let anyone hate on that one; it’s gold.

Ok thanks, Also are they 10" or 9" and 50 or 44 degrees?

I did a trade with Pablo on this with some extra stuff

He’s solid

Hey @Lobap I’ll take all the marcmt88 clamps and all the Racestar motors, dat ok?

Hi !

Interested by the motors mounts as well (the complete set, not just the clamps) if pictures are provided and if @banjaxxed does not take them.

I have just updated the main post with some pics, when I get home I will put some updated ones of the remaining items.

Since I owe one to @banjaxxed, I will put him first on the list for the mounts and motors.

Trucks reserved to @LouisVW (10" and 50º, but will confirm).

Clone flywheels + ALU pulleys reserved to someone in our Whatsapp group in Spain, not sure if he is registered here.

Cheers :slight_smile:


sweet 10char

Technically and I know you love technical(Hub Vs Gear),it’s red, orange, grey, brown and black :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hi all,

I have updated the main post with the remaining items, I sold some of them but there are still few available.

Available items as follows:

  • 2x Caliber II trucks, never used, slightly scratched when testing the mounts [ 1x20€ | 2x35€ ] [ @LouisVW ]

  • 10x HDT5M 330mm 12mm belts [ 1x7€ | 2x12€ | 3x15€ | 10x40€ ]

  • Dual FocBox ALU case from Kug3lis, short fins & black version [ 35€ ]

  • 3x 12mm motor pulleys [ 1x4€ | 2x7€ | 3x10€ ]

  • ABEC11 Flywheels 90mm, lime green, never used [ 80€ ]

I still have to do some pics of the Caliber trucks, as @LouisVW asked, sorry about the delay… too much work in these 2 last weeks of the year.


I’d take the calibers of your back, but im guessing shipping to the Netherlands is going to be shit.

Interested in calibers. Do you have any pics?

@Lobap Depending on shipping price. I’m interested in the dual alu focbox case. Let me know. I’m in Denmark

@wapkoen shipping is usually around 10-15€.I propose to split cost so it will be 35+5€=40€.

Let me know if that is ok to send you my details.

Btw, i will post pics of everything tomorrow.

@banjaxxed your box is ready to ship, will do this weekend, sorry about the delay :frowning:

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@Lobap That works for me. I’ll take it :grin:

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Hi all,

Just uploaded some more pics of the remaining items (flywheels, focbox holder, belts, motor pulleys).

@wapkoen there is also a couple of pics of the ALU case, so you can check it.

By the way, I removed the Calibers as I would need them in my next build, sorry about that.


Is the mount available or not? Its still in the title so im confused. If it is ill take it

2x 330mm belts with shipping to sweden? How much :slight_smile:

15€? :slight_smile: