EU (EUROPE) - FOCBOX - Group Buy - 0 / 25 available - CLOSED - Please confirm your addresses

@@composites_r_awesome also paid by Friends and Family and I also cocked that calc up too, I have sent the remaining balance just now.

thanks again @jarzombeg for checking and catching the error

Oh, friends and family? Was my first time doing a transaction through PayPal but I was sure I couldn’t see any friends and family tick box there, just money transfer, altho there was a ‘pay for a purchase’ weird option there too. Sons of leeches in PayBurglar actually charged me some 3% for something, some 10€, just for the transaction? <:7 heck knows! Mr Musk’s tunnels ain’t gonna dig by themselves! the good thing is lil’ boxes are now in the oven)

That extra there was just to round things over and some tip for doing God’s work here(-;

@composites_r_awesome - awww thanks man, the gesture is much appreciated :slight_smile:

** UPDATE **

The Order has shipped, if we are super lucky it might land in the UK at the end of the week.

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@composites_r_awesome I will look into the transactions details, I have a feeling you and @jarzombeg could be due a few more £ back as PP is not meant to charge the same for friends and family as purchases, could be you guys overpaid as the same PP fee should not be charged.

*** UPDATE ***

The FOCBOXes have arrived this morning.

I have sent each of you a PM asking for confirmation of your address details - please reply ASAP.

The following people have had their FOXBOXes dispatched: @notger @leonsc @DK-Odense @BENSKYWALKER @ACIN @jumpman

@MontPierre @Jakeii @jarzombeg - I have you guys down as wanting to pick up the boxes in person.

That is still cool, but if you want them ASAP I can send them tomorrow and you will likely have them Sat or Monday…

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Cool! I’m still up for collection in person :smiley:

This guy is the man right. How fast was that iv seen groups waiting months


Wow that was quick! We should get a award for the quickest turnaround of GB ever here :wink:

@DavidBanner Where are you based in London?

I am in East London, I can pop into town if we can arrange a time to meet everyone at the same time

Ok, let’s PM for more details - save spamming here :wink:

When you get your FOCBOXes remember to test them ASAP as there is a limited time to be able to return them if they are faulty,


That’s fine, now worries. I could also pick it up on next meet up or so. There is one next Saturday in Stratford

I might go :wink: Victoria park seems cool for a ride.

In that case if I’m picking it up so late I would be happy if you can test vesc for me …

** Update **

3 Orders left to fulfill

We have 2 people left who have not confirmed their address: @Nexo @Bazingazunga

and 1 Person who wants to pick up in person: @jarzombeg

@Jakeii - You need to make payment for postage

Confirmed, please check your inbox @DavidBanner :slight_smile:

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The second lot of parcels just went out.

This leaves 2 outstanding orders waiting for dispatch:

@jarzombeg - when would you like to pick up your FOCBOXes?

@Bazingazunga - waiting for address confirmation, if not received by Monday I will send to the address I have on hand.

I will message @Bazingazunga on fb also something has arrived whilst I was at work


as these are the new generation of FOCBOX remember to double check the pin out markings - there were reports of errors on the labeling

@leonsc awesome - 8 days from placing the order to getting the FOCBOX in your hands

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