eSk8 Market now Closed

lets do this.

can i tell you what your problem is. Your password require is longer than my bank passwords. Thats why i forgot it

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:bomb: :bomb: Dont forget to watch vid 2 and 3 if you get stuck, even if you dont I would recommend watching them. The only thing that needs updating is the variable products, which if needed I can help you!

im in 10 char

I have updated the title instead of creating a new topic to try and reduce the amount of ā€˜spamā€™

The eSk8 Market now has trade assurance! You can request refunds and open disputes, if needed. Thus far we have not had any disputes and refunds due to bad products (I hope to keep it that way). There is a step by step verification process that each seller goes through, and I like to be in constant contact with my sellers. So, if you are a customer I would have more than enough confidence in the eSk8 Market. We have also received PayPal verification, and now buyers and sellers can make easier secure transactions.

In the future we plan to add live auctions, buyer and seller quotes for custom boards and batteries, and many more. I am also in the process of a logo refresh to make the website a little more appealing to the eye.

After launching the website, the seller base has had concerns over the 4% charged of each sale. I then explained that 4% is only $2 off of $50 spent (very small). And to try and make it better I offer 45 days of free selling (0%) and free selling of used products (I have not made any money off of the website yet). But there are some people who have suggested to drop the 4% fee. The problem to this is that hosting and SSL certificates need to be paid for. Adds on an ecommerce website are not ideal, because there is no way to choose what you advertise. I am going to include a poll where I would like to hear your opinion.

  • Keep the 4% fee
  • Rely on user donations

0 voters

Please leave your thoughts / improvement ideas below.

US eSk8 Market:

EU eSk8 Market:

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Couldnā€™t you use something like for advertising? As far as I understand it you could choose campaigns and companies you advertise. But I have no idea about online marketing so what do I know ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ

I will look into it, thanks for the linkā€¦

4% is nothing, the problem is that PayPal takes a percentage as well if you get over 500$ in one month. As a seller I donā€™t mind unless it all piles up. User donations, no matter how generous they may be, are not a reliable source of income, and as the market grows that 4% on every sale will add more and more as the typical investment should. The thing that I absolutely canā€™t stand is adds, those things are more annoying than taxes. At the end of the day, Iā€™m happy with anything 8% or less.

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The fees are less when using PayPal through the market!

I dont know how many hits your site gets, but i am pretty sure ad revenues wont be high enough to pay the costs.

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It certainly wont pay all the bills, but it would help. I just want the sellers to realize that 4% is not that muchā€¦

@JLabs Your website seems to be down, What happened? How come I canā€™t find your website when you google it?

The website is fully functional.

Site looks down to me right now.

The eSk8 Market is officially shut down now

oh ok, sorry to hear that.

Ahh, it was a fun adventure and if I never had it I wouldnā€™t be where I am today with

@JLabs I canā€™t even tell you how many times Iā€™ve been looking through old posts and clicked on a link of someone selling something on the Esk8 market :joy:. Your new website is nice and clean tho, will probably be ordering some more parts from you soon but @chaka is number one on the list of people I wanna buy stuff from atm (he gave me free stuff) :wink:

Wasnā€™t free, we put a lien on your soul till you come and intern for us or pay it forward to someone else. :fearful: Gotta read the small print!


Haha that is something Iā€™d love to do anyways. If you ever come up here on a vacation Iā€™ll do some work for you :wink: @chaka

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