ESCape professional pcb assembly


I just found the email in the junk folder.

Made a payment of £265,65 just now which is €314 for me.

Looking forward to get these up and running with my carvon.


Good thing you posted this. I had looked through my junk folders but managed to miss the email. doesn’t help that I couldn’t remember what email address I had used in the form. Had another look now and found the email for a few days ago.

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Still avail?

available until @stewii close the google form I think.

@stewii I’ve just send you the 170GBP via TransferWise for ESCape x2 in a dual case. Thanks!

Right guys I’ll be closing the 2nd GB this weekend, so if you haven’t send the ££ do it then, otherwise I can’t promise stock.

Paid! Will we receive some kind of acknoledgment from you?!


Money sent

That would be great. Just to be sure @stewii also received the money he deserved and we can be sure our product is in work😌

Hi Stewii, For me: (2) ESCape installed in Dual (1) Extra Dual Enclosure (2) Extra Single Enclosure (4) PCB with thermal pads Shipping to France Prepayment sent Thanks😉

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@stewii, Could you prepare a list with all the paid orders? I think that all of us want to know if payment was received. Thanks!

1530356054432 Yalla let’s ride this out!


I’m guessing it may be a little late now, considering the weekend is almost through… But I filled the form out on 6/21/18 through google, but never received an email for payment instructions. If I’m still able to, I’d love to buy a dual. Thanks!

Edit: Ah, Just found the email in the junk… should have checked earlier. please disregard.

Made Payment for 2. Email was in SPAM folder.

Got the email last night, Just made initial payment for 2 (170 GBP). stupid exchange rate… :money_with_wings: :slight_smile: Thanks!

Just a quick update guys, there was a small problem sourcing a couple of components which is all sorted now but caused some delay.

I have opened the google form again because I ordered about 20 extra units so there is still some available.


Form filled, il check my spam later today and can send payment within 48hrs.

Is there any stencil for dual case available? I need dimensions to prepare some kind of flange or collar to mount it through.

Maybe this one helps? I found it in a other post… But can´t say 100% sure if the dimensions right.



Dimensions are spot on. They are from my drawing I believe.

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