Casey Neistat Lost BB

Ok, Some people might cringe at the name,

Apparently he lost a BB in Denver somewhere, This might be a marketing stunt of just carelessness,

OK, so can this board be paired with another remote and can this Board be found by a eSk8 member, mmmmmm

Top comments CaseyNeistat CaseyNeistat9 hours ago to all of my viewers who are also fans of CSI. there are a two painted boards. the pokeboard and the pikaboard. i lost one - the poke board. the pika board is still around and what i was riding in this vid. also - watch this again

good luck

You wont get much interest here. If you found it you could get another remote. Youd still need to get a charger.

He has so many of them anyway. Hes making way for a boosted 2.0 no doubt.


I concur definitely making way for 2.0, If its true good luck to whoever finds it, keeps it and make it work it… lol

Not sure exactly what type of charger connector and the wattage is required to charge the BB…

not the forum to talk about Casey, don’t think anyone here would care.


I was actually more interested in somebody actually finding a BB not necessarily Casey’s . Would it be possible to buy a replacement remote and charger or just DIY a solution, Sorry if the post was miss leading…

Im sure you could get parts from boosted. Id say someone will find it and return it.

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Somebody on the forum was selling boosted board domains a little while ago. Boosted board (the company) wasn’t really interested in buying them. Maybe @onloop bought it.

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Marketing stunt

Nope, they’re still for sale :wink: