Building an ESK8 suitable for the land of extremes

Alright thanks, ordered the charger. I guess I will just have to disconnect my batteries, since the switch seems to be quite pricey :stuck_out_tongue:

Please don’t forget to add protective gears to your list.

Here’s a thread you should check out! Ha!

If you were just looking to build a standard electric board, you can keep the budget under control. Once you start wanting a more specialized setup, the cost goes up exponentially. For example, you want a board that you can ride in extreme cold, but still have a good range. Once temps drop, your battery life tanks. So you either need a bigger battery, or someway to keep it warm in the winter. Perhaps an insulated cover for you enclosure that would also be water tight. Throwing water, snow, or mud into the equation means you will also need to housing for your motors, gears, and a way to keep your bearings dry. I’d also recommend a carbon fiber deck since wood decks and water don’t mix so well. You get the picture.

All the odds and ends such as extra belts, bearings, switches, foam padding, velcro… they all add up, but shouldn’t be much more than $200USD. It’s really the wet and cold weather related items that are going to blow your budget.

@DilatedPupils Yeah, I am new to this electric stuff but not to boarding in general. I wish I could make something with just 2 wheels to get a board with the same feel as a snowboard :stuck_out_tongue: . But yeah, I already got a good set of protective gear, might get a fullface helmet but I’m not sure if that’s necessary.

Building something similar to a boosted board isn’t even that expensive, but building when building something like this it changes. I totally agree with you.

2 wheels? Try 6. These guys made the ultimate sliding board :smile:

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