Bluetooth module with Ackmaniac's app

I got everything working now. :wink:

@Ackmaniac I took the board for a test run and the app was amazing. I did notice that it never recorder max speed, only the current and GPS based speed.

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Hello. I would like to use the Ackmaniac App… I have a original bluetooth module which is detected by the App but all values will only display zero. I get no error message when I connect however - but it will not show anything, no real time data etc. everything is only zero.

Can anyone help me out ? I got the newest Ackmaniac Firmware on my VESC.

Have a good day

Did you set the UART speed to 9600 baud?

No because the bluetooth module instruction said I should keep it at 115200 baud. I will try to set it lower this evening. But a Side Note which is strange - the App also is not working (not displaying values) however I thought that could be because of the ackmaniac firmware that I run…

The @Ackmaniac android app requires 9600, I’d start there

If you’re running Android O that could be the problem. I haven’t gotten either the metr app or ack app running on O yet. I’ve had to revert to Android N.

I run Android 5.0 So i should be good ?

Hmmm… I’m not sure what the lowest version is able to be used. Might be 6.0 and up. @Ackmaniac would know.

Well 5.0 already has BLE compatibility… so it should… i guess

So 9600 baud also is not working :frowning: Just tested it

Connect it to 5V and RX on Vesc to TX on module and TX on vesc to RX on module. Then you need a mode with uart. For example ppm with uart and a baudrate of 9600.


Ahh man you are a saint… I accidently thought that UART is always active… so PPM + UART Mode fixed it… even though I run 115200 bauds. Now both your App and the app will work… super happy. Will i have problems with 115200 bauds though ? It looks like it works ?

Thanks again man

One thing I wonder is how can I make the selected mode permanent ? I would like to have a Slow Mode permanently when selected. But when I turn off and on the VESC then it will be back to default ? Would be great to have it in the VESC permanently…

For default use the same settings as you use for your “slow mode” and make an additional “fast mode”, problem solved.

It is normal that the vesc goes in default mode after restart.

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I thought of that too… would be more convenient the other way around for me though

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Isn’t it that when you long press a mode it asks if you want this to be written to your vesc as your default mode?

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Exactly. 10 Chars


Works like a charm… thanks so much

Is ackmaniac app still only working on certain Android versions?