Bad Detection Received VESC

is It safe to downgrade ?

found it Vesc motherboard 4.12 bldc 2.15 Cant find the firmware u talk about?

I’m using windows, mine are located in: D:\Program Files (x86)\BLDC Tool 2_15\Drivers\firmwares\hw_410_411_412\VESC_default.bin

just follow the youtube video’s instructions.

ok i try this out now if u agree

Vesc motherboard 4.12 bldc 2.15 firmwares 2.15

and this D:\Program Files (x86)\BLDC Tool 2_15\Drivers\firmwares\hw_410_411_412\VESC_default.bin

no, you don’t need firmwares 2.15 FOC. use the firmware file that came with the 2.15 bldc tool, you don’t need to download extra files. Only the bldc 2.15 tool.

I’m just reading…

perhaps you should update to that version instead. I might have to do it as well.

the folder only had bldc tool when downloaded ?

What version is this he are talking about

Not quite, sure the link isn’t working for me. lets just wait for a response…

i think it this one if u see the date it was added the 15 aug

probably, yes.

But that is my current version :confused: and firm version also because there was the firmware inside the downloaded folder

If you still have the same settings as you had in the first picture posted you should try to lower the battery cutoff. At 7s this a way to high battery cutoff.

Try lowering to: Start: 73.3 = 23.1v End: 73.0 = 21v

Yo u saved me it works i was tring for 2 hours i got sk3 6364 245 running a 6s battery thx

So I have two VESCs and both are failing motor detection with my motor. The motor just cogs forwards and backwards instead of smoothly in one direction like it should. I can get it to respond with the arrow keys but not properly. It just jerks back and forth. It will read R and L but not the flux linkage. No fault codes and settings have been pretty thoroughly checked I believe. I cannot for the life of me figure this out. Could it be a shorted wire inside the motor or insulation problem? Does anyone know if there is a tutorial on how to read and what to look for in live data that might give me some insight on what is going on? Both VESCs are 4.12 running 2.18 firmware. One I just received with 2.18 and the other just had the DRV chip replaced so I updated it to 2.18 in order to use the new BLDC tool.

What are your battery cutoffs and battery?

Using a 6S I set the cutoff start at 21v and cutoff end at 20v for safe discharge. Max voltage is 56v and min is 10v so those limits shouldn’t interfere with anything since my LiPo has a full charge at just under 25v (24.7v).

Hi dude. I am really new at e skateboarding. You have the same hardware like me. Can you please send me your configurations in bldc tool? Mine didnt work. And you have same motor and same batteties like me.

Thank Mate