You’d have to offset the axles and make one bushing seat higher or lower then the other…if you offset the axle on that… otherwise you end up with -4 /+4…

You want 0/3 or 0/4…

So y’all with the more aluminum… no…just offset the bushings seat.

Like a Paris truck? Cause offsetting the bushing seat is logical. Offsetting the axle isn’t.

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Yea like Paris trucks. And yea I meant cause and effect. Sorry. Offset bushings seats to offset the axle…

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I’m out, let the blind lead the blind…

You flag my opinion…then you don’t deserve to hear it anymore…

If this message is for me, I didn’t flag your post, and I would love to hear your opinion.

I love learning, it’s what life is about. And I’m not a pro skater like you, however I have knowledge in CNC machines and was applying what you were saying to what I already knew.

I’m sure @GrecoMan can improve on his design and benefit this community, so let us know!

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I flagged your post, you were being a dick


i’ll get some pics of the mounts in a few, i’ve got 2 arms in hand, they look like they were chewed out of the stock by a beaver but the cycle time on them was only 8 seconds a piece, so I don’t really care. of course, those won’t be the production ones, I gotta see if i’m able to to tune the plasma cutter to get straight, accurate cuts. if i’m able to do that, then the price will be able to drop significantly


but that will mess up the pivot/bushing seat geometry :thinking: won’t it?

my Aera precision go from +6mm to -6mm so… ? & my Katanas are either a +2.5mm hanger or +5mm no flippy flippy at all :dolphin:

but nobody runs negative rake, they change baseplates…

On another topic though, @GrecoMan why do you call yourself “Arbor” when there is already another established skate company with the same name, don’t you think it might confuse people?

I actually have a good reason for my name, its part of where I live. but I do see your point. i’ll send an email to the skate company and see what they want me to do

Hmmm I’m thinking these trucks with an Evo deck MBS wheels dual 6384 and a 12s6p.


oh yea, also good ass news: I may be able to get the cycle time down to a muuuuuch more manageable time (15 or so minutes per set) if im able to do everything in house it can:

  1. be like 200x cheaper
  2. made on demand, instead of taking a $5000 plunge

ill keep yall updated

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Why are you being so confrontational? If your not interested then head out. No need for all the negativity.


I’m in the same boat. Was a Regular when I reached that status. Got demoted to member status now. The Regular status is not permanent.

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would you guys die if there were 2 small holes strategically positioned to make workholding a dream for me? my idea isnt possible without it

this is what i mean


The mounting holes are worth it if it doesn’t compromise the integrity of the hanger.

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theyre only 7mm holes, itll bring the cost down an insane amount, im pulling this number out of my ass but maybe around $150 for the full deal


If you send me the CAD data I could do a simple simulation in ANSYS to see what the stress difference is between the two models.

How are you going to do the bushings seats with a plasma cutter? Wont you need a mill?

i would just be roughing out the 2d profiles with plasma, then milling the rest.

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