About girlfriends, boyfriends, significant others, and esk8

If you edit in rapid succession of the original post within 4 to 5 minutes, it won’t show an “edited” pencil and save edit history, it will just go in and scrub the old text and replace it. So POOF the original text is gone

I’m rather certain it’s mostly designed for fixing misspellings and typos.

You could look through the discourse source code and see what it’s actually doing if you have a half hour to kill…


Yeah cool I have actually been doing that and just not realising and to tell me to go into the discourse source code is like telling forest gump to sit the bar exam Thanks oh sensei


I do

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This has saved me from so many drunken lash outs here. Love it!


My partner doesn’t interfere much with my esk8 hobby but she does worries a lot whenever I fell or when I told her that I had a close call with the ground :sweat_smile:

I feel lucky to have her and we recently rode together (she’s in the scooter while I’m on my board) in a car free Sunday route here in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia :+1:



Does it work on full removals then or just minor edits

Sometimes it fails if, for example, you change from “image” to “link” to “text” post but I’m not sure exactly why that is. I haven’t looked through the source code

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You can’t delete the post. But you can edit the whole thing if you’re quick enough. (Adding this in the 3rd edit)

1.) Did it just now. 2.) Again 3.) Fuck… 4.) Does it work still… 5.) Yep 6.) Can’t still work… Can it? 7.) Holy shit I had no idea I had this much time to edit!


Doing it that way, you have until the 5 minute mark.

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So basically you can whip in there and use the delete key not the bin icon.


Basically. Yep. It would be cool to be able to delete the whole post ourselves. But then again we wouldn’t get to see the spicy stuff that goes on until the mods clean it up.

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I just wanted the stupid queen gif to come after the screen cap. Appearently still failed at that.

I have been ninja editing all over the place its like a super power. I have 2 now.

haha same situation here

my builds are created during late evening and midnights


Midnight builds are the best. Wake up at 11am the next day and see what buzzed Friday night you did with free reign in the workshop.

“What the hell, this is madness, that’s the dumbest gearing ratio on earth! Wait, why is vesc tool open? …what have you been up to? What did you buy to support this?”


Just scored some brownie points with the gf by describing this thread to her and telling her how lucky I am to have her. I’ll ignore some texts later to even things back out lol