A resin infused deck

Just watched this, know there are a few of you trying different things out, so thought worth sharing.


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Just use the normal link to the video, the forum will auto embed

nice video, was a little weird seeing him pressing stuff into form with clamps when you have a vacuum setup active :stuck_out_tongue:

after my vanguard diy replica, Im still wondering why resin infusion over a handlayup. especially his dry spot in the video or the delicate issue of too much/too little pressure and resin channels - these are all problems that dont exist in a manual layup.

isn’t it kinda like the inboard hydro flex stuff? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mytP5_SQgn4

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nope, just tried that and it’s still showing the link…?

^^ scrap that - needs a space / line btw video and text above…