A contrast of customer experiences: Maytech vs Enertion

Don’t waste your time on this man, some people are just not worth it.

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20 characters.

Are you talking to onloop or makepeace?

It was meant for Jason, he was wasting time debating with makepeace (funny name, since he is doing the opposite).

People became a little spoiled when they were able to buy the vesc at such a low price, that price was very close to cost. The vesc is a horrible thing to mass produce thus costly when done by a professional partner, MANY things need to be manually assembled.

Yeah dude, sure.

You’ve missed the point of this conversation.

The supplier (Enertion) was unwilling to make a very reasonable and simple plan to accommodate a customer.

That customer is fairly commenting on their bad customer experience and sharing this with the greater public, contrasting it with a conversely great customer experience with another supplier (Maytech).

Nothing wrong with that.

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Please consider that you might be a little to demanding/spoiled. Changing orders from the past isn’t something to take for granted, its means quite a bit of work.

I don’t care in what context it was, there is no way arguments/statements like this can be constructive: “This isn’t a threat or anything. But if we can’t sort this out rightfully, people are definitely going to hear about it. Because no body should have to stand bullshit customer service.” (I will take this back if this quote was tampered with).

Before I fall in the same time wasting trap:



More characters.

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Not sure whether this needed to be posted here in such detail. IMO.

If you made a change to an original order then one needs to consider the consequences. Its then up to the business as to whether they can handle the change that you want them to manuipulate to for your convienance and change of mind.

I’m not taking either side as I know Enertion would admit they need to pull their head in to deliver and to keep customers happy. Which they are trying to rectify, but seem overwelmed.

Its a viscous cricle for any one in this parts eboading as demand is out stripping supply. Eveyone knows the background of what Onloop is doing. Hes doing the best he can, and for now most will just have to put up with it. Or just go elesehere which eveyone has the right to do.

Lets move on. Be patient and just deal with it all of you.

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I don’t think you understand what you’re asking for. Think about it for a second, if there is 100 VESCs and you’re customer #100 and i’m customer #1, and all of a sudden I decided to add an additional of 2 VESCs onto my order making the same demand as you do to “stay in line”, and @onloop do as I say, what do you think will happen to your order? It wouldn’t exactly be fair.

Admittedly, Enertion does have some customer communication issues, but you can take that up on another thread. In this instance in regards to editing your order, in cutting in line and in keeping the same price, you’re asking for a lot, you don’t think you are but thats your subjective feelings.

Also, you publicize this interaction with both companies in a way in which I consider incredibly disingenuous. You decided to take it upon yourself to RUIN someone’s day by publicly denouncing his company’s policy even though he’s already told you its company policy. If you don’t like it then take your business elsewhere. Support his competitor if you think his service is subpar, there was no need for this thread making a mockery with this shit show.

What was the point of this? To inform customers to stay away from Enertion because of their lack of communication and/or bad customer service? Is your ego satisfied now that you follow up with your threat of “…people are definitely going to hear about it”? Can you blame the man for trying to defend his company and confront you in a thread that makes his company look bad? Seriously, you’re not making yourself look good at all in this situation.

Thanks for your opinion.

I explicitly said in one of my communications with them that I don’t mind going to the back of the queue or whatever delay might be incurred. I don’t care about that. I want to be able to pre-order an extra VESC at the same price as the other three that I pre-ordered. However they need to do that on their side is not my problem. It’s a very simple request.

Yeah, I agree. Whether I’m asking for a lot is a matter of perception. Yes, maybe I expect too much. Depends on what I’m usually exposed to and that’s different for everyone.

The point of this thread is to expose what I believe to be bad customer service and to give the supplier a chance to rectify the situation or defend themselves. If I don’t believe that I am being treated well as a consumer by a supplier, I want other people to know that, so that they can have a better experience elsewhere. I don’t want other people to have negative dealings with suppliers. That’s constructive.

Ill just go and ask Tesla if i can get another Model 3 on top of my order for the starting sales price.

Should work


Terrible analogy. But fair point. If I want to add something to a bulk order that isn’t even nearly ready to being processed, I guess I should get stuffed. At least with Enertion.

Its not as simple as it sound. You don’t go to Apple and ask them to adjust their price given the same situation do you? It doesn’t matter if its a big corporation or a small garage company, if thats the way their policy works, theres no point in debating or making a big deal out of it. If Maytech is willing to go the mile to help out a consumer then kudos to them, but don’t expect the same across the board.

Your feelings are hurt, I empathize, but the way your thread is worded makes Enertion out to be the bad guy here and that’s not constructive at all.

I will give credit where credit is due, at least you’re trying to be respectful in our interaction. I half expected you to call me a bullshitter.

i do think everyone is entitled to show of a case of bad customer service as he feels he has been treated wrong.

but for me the real issue in this thread is actually the tone of Jasons answer toward his costumer.

you do not have to say to your costumer you are right but i do think it is really quite impolite to tell your custumer that he is just cheap.

even if this is Jasons opinion, i do not think it is necesarry to tell everyone we dislike what we do think about them, how many assholes do you meat in one day and you are not telling every single one of them what you really think about them because there is no point.

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The VESC is designed by an engineer and Enertion manufactures in a US factory. Highly doubt there are no engineers working there.

And the major piece of engineering is still done by Ben. I really doubt any of the Producers are contributing anything to it. Neither Enertion nor Maytech nor Ollin nor DIY

So the amount of “Engineers” is definitely not criterion number one for chosing VESC Manufacturers.

(I doubt @chaka has employed any “Engineers” and his VESCs still are the best on the market. )

Exactly my point. However there is some engineering to be done in production to assure quality etcetera. That might be differing, but I highly doubt a US company gets away with manufacturing sub-par boards with crap components (they of course manufacture things for others as well).

Edit: And in all honesty, if three were ordered I would say it’s not ok to add (systems fault or not) more in that order since there is a queue on the VESCS and have been for a long time. There are more people that are in line after you and have also paid the price up front.

To be honest there is nothing wrong about increasing price of a product as a seller. Its not bad customer service. If it needs to be done, it needs to be done. And if I see VESC production cost for personal and bulk for conpanies, its reasonable to be priced at 150usd. VESC is not a cheap product. Nevertheless DIY route is filled with uncertainty, you took the risk. If all of sudden finance is the issue, is not the problem of the seller. Cant blame them for it.

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I actually think Bulk Pricing was invented to buy large amounts and not to add bits and pieces here and there but…