[Reduced Prices] 2 Hub completes, 4WD Booster unit, Evolve Bamboo GT, Diyeboard 10S5P Landy evo, Batteries, ESCs and more [UK] [Trade / Sell]

How much for the landy diyeboards?

You might think about uploading the photos to the actual site. Kind of a pain (at least on mobile) to follow links. I stopped bothering to look past the first item.


Doesn’t want to sell to idiots or mobile users. gtfo


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That makes it worse for PC users, just click on what you want to see. Surely you do not want to buy everything

Where are you located? Not shipping completes to the US

Surely you wanna sell something…

Catch more flies with honey than vinegar


Im debating parting it out or not. I know people like the tires and deck much more than the rest though. For the whole thing, $150 Landy + $430 Kit, so I’ll ask $580 for it all. (USD, I guess i just know prices to stuff in freedom $)

I don’t even know where to start with this statement.

Hummie hubs are in huge demand, he can’t make them fast enough and there’s a plethora of people waiting on his kickstarter to get a set. Maytech hubs are being stocked more and more in stores all over the place. You can get them on 2 day delivery locally worldwide now. I’m pretty sure that’s only happening because people buy them. How do you measure “very very few”? Suck on your finger and lift it into the air?

Blanket statements will generally make you look silly when they are based on personal opinion.

Maytech used to mass produce hubs, the ones on sale are old as hell dude. Try and look for any recent complete boards that are successful using those hubs. Where are you even finding them on sale? this isnt based on opinion, its based on the fact I love esk8 and look at everything and i only see them in old webshops etc.

@Anubis I’m going to request that you post real pictures as well as the imgur link, because that way both computer and mobile users can view what you’re selling. We’re working on making it a policy anyways - better to get ahead of the times.

Mobile users can see the images, they just need to press on the imgur album link? I’d need to download the images and reupload them here to make that work, is this not fine as it is?

Dang, forgot you were in the UK. Isn’t that board 580 new though?

Anyways, good luck with the sale!

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Its $599 for the kit + shipping so $700, then the deck is $180+ in the EU

No, Some people have slow wifi and don’t want to open 2 new tabs.

It’s not hard work scrolling past a few pics. What is hard work is reading small text and figuring out what that is and then having to open the link.

If the text is small, increase the font size or zoom in. If you cant read any text on the forum then thats something you can fix

I read a lot of stuff here, But when I see a for sale post I wanna quicly scroll through it and waste no time, Now I had to click the links to find out your basically selling used meepos with expensive decks.

Time waste really. If I saw the Hub’s I would of been outa here.


Wow, 2 meepos and then 3 other completes, batteries and ESCs. Really just a BS comment at that point, especially considering you are postulating you can’t read “Loaded vanguard meepo deckswap” and figure out its a meepo

Edit: also its not “Hub’s” its not capital and there is no apostrophe

Phat update to the thread. Visited home, so got pictures of the other components

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Are you hubophobist? That’s discrimination right there against used hubs species.

I’ll have to call Brigitte Bardot on you :warning:

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bump 10char