Youngest and Oldest Builders on the Forum

I was 13 when I made my first esk8

Jeez that’s pretty young. You’d be one of the youngest right?

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I had one of these back in the day


I think the main difference between the younger and older builders are the quality of parts, dedication of builds and the relevance you give to knowledge.

While younger builders try to build the cheapest eboard, as they don’t have any source of income, older/wiser builders try to make the most reliable one, learn every single detail of the build and learn as much as they can, cost is not an issue unless the part is not worth it, safety is the number one priority.

However all of us enjoy riding with the same passion, that’s why we gather here everyday!

BTW I’m 42 and enjoying eboarding more than ever!


Just turned 15 a couple days ago. Almost done with my first build, but I cannot imagine doing this when I was12/13. Props to you guys.


I am 50 years old, bought put my first e-mtb 1 month ago and loving it. Was doing some slides on my longboards, but the idea of off-roading with some mean dual direct drives got me really excited. Fortunate enough to afford it, but could not have done it with all you guys, young and old (eSk8)!!! Thank you!

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I think it very much depends on the person - while my builds have been cheaper than some, I took the time to find quality vendors and get good parts that I need. A 16 year old spending $300 for psychotillers hubs is not practical. However a 16 year old running a cheap eBay ESC and 4s lipo isn’t going to run for long. I think the middle ground is where it’s best, regardless of age, because it keeps you looking and being aware of how much value you actually get out of your parts. 600$ for two of the VESC6?? Ha! Who on earth??? Not worth it. One could spend less by developing their own VESC (which I know has been done on this forum). But buying a perfectly good used FOCboxs might be the way to go.


I agree with @anorak234

21 Damn I am old

27 here Ladies and Gentleman


18 in October

14 in October :wink:

33 Master degree in power electronics Developing electric cars at work Developing electric skateboard at home :grin:


34 Bachelors in CS Make virtual things like web UIs or mobile apps or whatever as long as it involves pushing bits around for money.

Started skating cause of cool kids in my dorm at Purdue, got some friends back home interested enough in it to build a 12ft box with a rail on the side for practice. Didn’t really come naturally, have become more comfortable, but have been on and off with skateboarding since then.

Started delving deeper into hardware hobbies I think about 2 years ago now (it was all a blur between the 3d printer, quadcopter building, and eskateboard building).

Arduino was the first thing that got me into writing code for hardware, have messed with kinects (for 3d scanning), every kind of sensor you can think of or get for under $100: light, heat, ultrasound, infrared, hall effect, built an FTIR multitouch table in my parents basement about 6 months before everyone had multitouch devices that fit in your pocket (saw a talk about them on TED and was too intrigued not to try to build it, was fun and worked but Apple and Google do it better :slight_smile: ).

Right there with ya. Just found 44 last week, but had to strain to remember the number :confounded:


You fuckers are old but fun to be in a community with :smile:


i dare you to act younger than me.


I’m trying


@Namasaki I would’ve guessed you were in your mid 40’s… I also would’ve guessed @longhairedboy was in his early 30’s…

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I’m in for a challenge

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