Whos using coulometers

I used it on an older setup to determine my peak amp draw, power in watts, etc. Cool info to know. Also helps me determine actual battery amp supply for future builds (using same motors/gears/etc.).

Mine (i think the GT 150a one) shows peak as well as some live data, but saves the peak values and rotates them to view when you stop. It however does not have memory and once powered off is reset and data is lost. Here are some old pics of mine showing amps/watts/etc. at a stop - no amps. 30.6v left in the pack (8s). 1921 Watts peak. 1.x Watts at the stop (maybe wheel was still spinning a bit?) Again no amps - 30.6v left (8s) - 65 Amps peak (dual 5065 200kv VESC) - 2.1 Watts at rest (not sure why).

It cycles through mAh/Ah consumed, and a few other things - the ones i wanted to see was Watts and Amps peak. Just as good info to know.

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There are two i know of, that have the best logging (and stored for review later w/ graphs) that iā€™ve seen. The first is the eagletree v4 logger:

You can add sensors (temp, GPS, etc.), and a LCD display - pretty modular but a bit $$ - especially compared to a $20 watt meter like above. Select what you want to see as well on the graphs depending on sensors you have. Pretty cool really.

Another option is the Speedict Mars/Mercury which does similar (actually some really cool views - this is just a quick pic i could find of the graphing. Some great map overlays w/ info at each point - using the gps in your phone for location vs a gps module):

They also have a ā€œBMSā€ (not itā€™s not a real BMS) - but it does show pack voltage and cell detail to your phone via BT!:

They are also $$$. But do logging for review later - and unique to the speedict = have BT and apps on your phone.

that makes sense. plus the screen and any power drawn by the watt meter.

hehehe - and then a third watt meter to measure the second watt meterā€¦ :smiley:

Makes sense though. Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s minimal draw either way. thanks for pointing it out though!

Sleepy Iā€™ve never seen that speedict thing! Awesome how every cell voltage is shown in realtime on the phone! I want it badly and as long as itā€™s not too big in the board. Just started checking it out and it looks small and at 90$ worth it. I ruin cells so quickly this is a money saver. U like it? Or it seems u havenā€™t used it

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Anybody see any builds that they permanently mounted a GT watt meter? Would like some ideas on how it could fit.

Just got it the other day! - plus the Mars inline as well. I now have both the Eagletree eLogger v4 and Speedict - one planned for each of my next two boards!

I can easily use the Speedict Neptune Lite (their ā€œBMSā€) on one of the boards to try it out - what do you want to see?

I remember seeing a couple folks who incorporated it into their enclosure - screen removed and set into the case/enclosure. Let me look at see if i can find a pic. My original plan before i went off the deepend with the Eagletree and Speedict.

@okp - he used one in his original vaguard build: And the one before also i think.

i go by smell. If things start to smell funny, iā€™m drawing too many amps.

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Iā€™m looking up the speedcific stuff and itā€™s really nice

Iā€™d rather do the visual part on the phone than try to jam anymore stuff in a board.

Man if only they integrated a simple balancing feature Iā€™d be sold. I have all these little balancers for ten bucks and Iā€™d still have to use them with this. A simple discharge balancer and this thing would be fantastic. Donā€™t know why they donā€™t. Anything u know that does that? Not necessarily a bms but just a simple balance feature

Why not just use some board like arduino that can read voltage and send with bluetooth module? it will cost ~10$

really Iā€™m looking for a balancer for 12s. Something like the battery medic but that can do 12s. the other features are helpful but if they canā€™t discharge also itā€™s back to the same thing. How hard would it be to make a 12 cell balancer?

Search my posts on here (title includes coulometer or fuel gauge), I installed a coulometer on my board. Works perfectly. Full schematic on my post .

Agree, works well. (Picture taken before calibration)

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Hi there! Know I that this is not the newest post - although - I was not entirely clear on the calculation. Can you do an example?

I tried to input the numbers, like 240wh (for 10Amps X 24v), then dividing this number by 2Ah, gives me 120. What exactly is this number and is there any use for it? I think thereā€™s a point im missing here :rolling_eyes:

Been looking into understading batteries better so this would help with that.

Oh okay, will try to do this once I hit the streets with my board :wink: