What's the best on/off button and battery indicator for 10s?

Again I am not an EE, but when I look at the diagram I see battery voltage coming through the fuse, then through the 1M resistor @ R1. So in my case 50V fully charged, V = IR so V/R = I or 50/1M = 50/1000000 = 0.00005A @ 50V When you flip the switch it changes the gate of the mosfet from ground to battery voltage.

Now this is my understanding. I would love for someone with more electrical design knowledge to tell me I am correct or not and explain why so we can all learn.

I dont know if this is the correct diagram? I know for sure that D2 is outputting only 12V. I have also measured it on my vedder anti spark switch and it shows 11,7V :slight_smile:

@DeathCookies is right, it’s 12V only. It’s not switching the main power with the rocker switch.

Ok so does anyone know what in the circuit limits the voltage? Guess I need to hook mine up to the batteries and get the multimeter out.

@michaeld33 I was assuming with my switch that we had to account for a high voltage and low amps but now that I know that you can go with a low voltage for the switch, the ebay ones should work fine.

Now that I know that the switch doesn’t need to handle a high voltage, only 12v, I have changed the link to a cheaper, exact one.

The criteria for a switch is:

  • SPDT
  • Non-momentary aka latching
  • 12v or higher

Like i have said before:

If you look in the github repo in the BOM it says the following information about D2:

Hello all. Thanks for the suggestions. I think I’ve come to the conclusion that buying one from DIY’s site is the easiest, as it’s already got everything included. My question is, will it work well with 10s? I think it should…

I found this on the esk8 market: https://electric-skateboard.market/product/high-voltage-onoff-switch/

It looks almost the same, if not exactly as the one on DIY’s, and it’s a little bit cheaper to get it from the esk8 market than it is from DIY’s,and being on a budget, and conversions from USD to AUD, I’d like to save as much as I could, every dollar counts here.

So, thoughts?

How would I connect this to my zippy 5000mah battery?