Weird choice: Boosted board vs eskating dual beast

I knew it was a bad idea to spend time in this forumšŸ™ I emailed Alberto and changed the battery to 12S5P :joy:


The board is shipped. UPS says it should be here on Wednesday.


The board is here :stuck_out_tongue: It is beautiful and it is freaking hugeā€¦

I am all dressed up and ready to go for my first ride


Now I have a few questions.

  1. WTF have I gotten myself into? Are you guys fucking insane? This was one of the scariest experiences of my life and I have done some weird shit. People are riding these things without a helmet?
  2. How the hell am I supposed to stop this thing if the brakes fail? I know how to slide a skateboard but this is not happening with 97mm soft wheels. Donā€™t tell me foot braking because by the time I reduce my speed I will be posing as a hood ornament in some chickā€™s SUV.
  3. What is that odor that comes off my pants and underwear and how do I get rid of it?

Seriously though it looks like they are really fun once you get used to them. I thought that since I am comfortable on my skateboard a big eskate would be easier. This is not the case.

I will write some more when I get that brown thing off my clothes. I donā€™t know how it got there since I did not see any mud while comfortably cruising around :thinking:


welcome to the club :rofl:


lol yes !!


Great postā€¦

Made me laugh :grinning:.

Yep, thatā€™s it. But with practice, itā€™s usable. I can foot break from 20mph in about 50 ft. You can always roll out, but that hurts and you look like a twerp :grinning:.


Thanks guys. It feels really reassuring to know I am not alone in the madness :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

I have a couple more questions:

  1. I got speed wobbles above a certain speed, I was relaxed and had my weight forward but it seemed strange to get these on an Evo board when I donā€™t even get them on my normal skateboard close to these speeds. Unfortunately I have no way of knowing what speed that was since (see question 2)
  2. My app fails to connect to the Bluetooth module, I read about incompatibility with some phones running Oreo 8. I have a Samsung Note 8, is it one of the affected phones and if yes is there a solution?

I Just cross your fingers. XD


question 1. tight your truck especially back once u get used to loosen them gradually.

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I already gave the rear truck a couple of turns . We will see how it feels tomorrow. Any advice on bushings for Calber 50 trucks?

You can dewedge the rear truck and look into different bushings catered to your weight and riding style. Bushings: Riptide!


Venom bushings also have a really good rep

As for wobbles, I always try to get lower to the deck and constantly carve a little (so you move like a snake). These seem to be popular advices to avoid the wobbles.

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I think its essential to learn this, after not foot breaking in years Iā€™ve spent months using only my foot and feel safe at 30mph knowing I can foot break slow enough to run or roll if I had too, its really helped my confidence at speed no more ā€˜omg Iā€™m going to die if my breaks fail right nowā€™ :slight_smile:


So I have made 20km with the board so far. 10km was this morning coming to work with a backpack. I definitely need to make changes on the bushings on the board since with the stock bushing it turns like a boat. I have ordered riptide 83A, 88A and 93A WFB barrel bushings to play with. As per Alphamailā€™s advice and my own findings I need to loosen up the front and stiffen the rear. The range on that thing is insane, after 20km my battery is at 87% :dizzy_face: (granted most of the way to work is downhill)


They have a good rep for being inconsistent in their quality control. Sometimes you buy them and get really good bushings with extreme amounts of rebound. Other times you buy them and get bushings with below average rebound. If you want consistency, just get RipTide KranK bushings.

Getting lower to the ground in itself doesnā€™t help with preventing speed wobbles. The side-effect of getting lower to the ground is that it forces you to place more weight on your front foot. Thatā€™s the actual bit of advice. Put more weight on the front of the board instead of the back.

Just google for speed wobbles - you actually find a lot of youtube tutorials on this. Mostly for ā€œnormalā€ downhill skating, but everything also applies to esk8. Maybe it helps

Thanks. I used to skateboard when I was younger and still do from time to time so I am familiar with speed wobbles. This deck is completely different from a normal skateboard and the fact it is powered makes matters different. For example when I release the throttle at over 30km/h (around 19mph) I get speed wobbles no matter how gentle I am with it. Anyway I am sure one part is the board setup and another myself. So I have ordered bushings to cover the first and will do lots of riding to get more familiar and comfortable with it.

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Another update. I crashed :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: due to speed wobbles. The visor of my helmet is scratched (no other damage on the helmet after thorough inspection) I also ripped a little my motorcycle jacket and have road rash on the right side of my lower back (still canā€™t figure out how that happened :thinking:)

The speed was around 25km/h so too low to even justify the wobbles, so when I got home I inspected the board carefully and found out the following.

The board has 2 sets of angled riser pads one of which is from a soft rubbery material.

The trucks where not tight enough on the board and the whole baseplate was moving aroung making the board extremely unstable. I tightened down the baseplates on the board and went for a quick spin and it was night and day difference. The photos are after tightening down the baseplates. Unfortunately the roads where I did the test did not allow for a proper evaluation (hills with bad quality tarmac) but the first impression is very positive. Still there is a lot of tuning to be made.