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I noticed something. I can get a good FOC detection when BLDC is selected in the General tab. But when I select FOC and try a detection is gives me the “R is 0. Please measure it first.” message. @trampa Any ideas?

Also. The welcome screen that is only supposed to come up for the initial setup and agreements comes up every single time. Bugfix time. :wink:

I think it’s more of fmw issue. btw did ur remote work? cuz mine didn’t akman said if u use motor saturation to 1% it works but haven’t try. and Im ganna stick to 2.54 for a while

Hi Vesc-Toolers, thx for your input! The best way to get issues sorted fast, is to summarize the problems you face on the

A you can see there is TODO list and Benjamin really works on that stuff in whenever there is a free minute, so that all your highly appreciated input can find its way into the tool. This way the tool will improve very fast and in a structured way.

THX again, Frank


Hi Frank,

Thanks for quick answer.

It’s just sad that we canno’t see any differences between the versions to download.

The name of the file is identical to the “old” one.

Please rename file before putting it to the website!

I’ll be better for everybody.


It’s probably because you can only download the newest version.

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Correct! You can’t download the old versions. Lets see if Benjamin can ad the version number. I get the point.


Ben’s TODO list is an awesome tool to show us how the development is going. Thanks a lot for that !

I’m agree that the file name should contain the version number. Mostly on the website because you don’t know which version you are downloading (the only way to know is to install and go in “About” tab. Not so convenient :wink: ).

Any luck @onepunchboard ? I have same problem with FOC set up, i got it to detect thanks to your tip but also in FOC motor does not respond to remote.

I will be putting this up on VESC TOOL forum.

well I think it’s fmw problem. so I’m ganna wait till fix. have u try motor saturation?

Nope, sounds scary :slight_smile: haha

fair enough. yeah I wd wait. till then I’m using the old one

I’m happy with BLDC for now. Still waiting for sensored motors anyway :slight_smile:

@onepunchboard I have sent a video of this issue to Benjamin and he will try to reproduce it with his 4.12 hardware - unfortunately doesn’t have FocBox on hand to test with.

Anyone else with " R is 0 " FOC detection error ? If so do you have FocBox or other Vesc?

Just updated my focboxes to the new firmware. Now i got the same bug saying R is 0 in FOC mode :frowning: Then i’m jumping back to bldc mode. But the detection allso fails now.

Any idear how i at least can run it in BLDC ? Thanks

On another node. I was a silver member, but the VESC tool told me their was an update. But i could’t find out how to download the new file. I tried downloading the file again under ‘my purchase’ but that seems to be the same ‘old’ file. So now i’m a free member, since i dont want to purchase it one more time, just for an updated.

The R=0 seams to be Enertion HW specific and it seams to depend on the HW revision. I’ll chat about that with Ben.

Try to check out the silver again. It should be free of charge in that case.


Ps.: Load defaults before you try again.

Just flashed my focbox again. And with totally default settings, did a motor detection in BLDC, the motor spins up perfectly fine, but when the last part comes, where the motor needs to spin slowly, it`s just jitter like crazy.

I tried to raise the test value from default 5amp to 7amp, without any help :frowning:

Sk3 6364 / 190kv 10S

I did my BLD detection without problems and I also have 10s and Focbox - I did on both firmware versions. Only FOC gives R is 0 error.

Perhaps try wizard and if that fails “manually” in BLDC tab? Have you tried disconnecting and connecting back phase wires?

Drop your issue here and it will be seen.


I have both done it manually and via the wizzard. It`s a trampa board with 7 inch wheels. I have done the test with the belt on. I will now try without the belt…

Hw specific issue… not

The tool im using

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