Vanguard Orange | 10s | SK3 I VESC

I did! 20 characters

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@Dunkirk soo, how many batteries did you buy in total for your second battery build???

also, were the lipos in your back connected in parallel or series?. (im planning on copying your build) :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

There is total of 30 cells.

Lipos were connected in series when discharging and parallel when charging

Hello! I’m also from Finland and I would like to know where you ordered your pulleys, bellt and the vesc from :slight_smile:

Really awesome build by the way! I’d be happy to achieve something even half as good looking!

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Moi Jesper!

I ordered my pulleys from china and belts from my local supplier. I am also selling pulleys to Europe, so if you need one let me know:

Selling pulleys to Europe

I have also few htd5m 270mm 9mm belts if you need some.

My vesc is from

Thank you for the compliment. Let me know if I can help you somehow!

Tervetuloa! Facebookissa on myös ryhmä electric longboarding finland, jos kiinnostaa joskus järjestellä miittejä tms.

(For non-finnish speakers: Just advertising about finnish e-sk8 group in facebook)


@Dunkirk I sent you PM about enclosure

Looks great!

Im a noob builder and want to build one exactly like yours as It looks soooo good and like the boosted board. If I bought the deck and an enertion motor, wheels and trucks kit, What battery, esc or vesc, controller and charger would I need and all the wiring and connectors and stuff??? Im sorry to be a pain but this would really help! If you just told me what you used that would be great Thanks :slight_smile:

Sounds good!

Yes you need some connectors like xt90s and xt60. Any kind of connectors will work but they have to handle the current that you are running through them.

Then the wiring. 10-12AWG wire will be best. I use standard 6s charger.

I recommend going with two lipos, 5s or 6s. Capacity is up to you depending range you want. Any controller which uses 2.4GHz frequency will work. I have found that wii controller is not reliable and when reading threads where people fall of their boards often the reason is unreliable controller, like wii nunchuck.

Also you need heat shrink and good soldering iron.


For example the charger that I use is only capable of charging 6A. If you go with two 5Ah 5s lipos you can charge them safely at 10A when charging them in parallel.

But there is no harm done at charging batteries at lower current.

Little update to my charging system. I’m still charging my batteries in parallel and discharging them in series. I use little loop key to hook by batteries in series. When charging I take the key off and connect charger to that connector. Another charging connector goes to the main power cable.


I am confused about how you are switching from series to parallel?

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green136\blue204;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\partightenfactor0 {\field{*\fldinst{HYPERLINK “”}}{\fldrslt \f0\fs28 \cf2 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 }}}In this picture is the blue and orange wires going to vesc / charger

That picture is the one of the pack not in the enclosure

Hope this picture clears things out :slight_smile:


Dammit - I spent so much time perfecting this beautiful image and now I am too late :frowning:


It’s ok @Maxid yours is better no offence @Dunkirk

is the only reason you are creating two packs is because of your charger limitation or is there something else?