Trampa StreetCarver, E-Toxx MiniDirectDrive, MTB Trucks, Gummies, 6374, 12S, Steering Damper

Out of stock as far as I know. Back in stock next week, new outline, wider, better.

Same price as before?

Price as on website.


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@trampa So no more Hs11 ish board without holes :frowning: ??? What about people like me, who love a stealthy look, with enclosure under the board ?? I already have the Urban Carver deck without holes… but i love that Hs11 has more space for al my electric components. So i was looking forward to order Hs11 deck

Is it only me that dont get the “smart” thing in the hall sensor pcb ? You still have the motor wires, that needs to connect the same place as the hall sensor cable…??? And is it only ment for enclosures on top of the deck ?

Btw. Are there comming a new enclosure ?

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At this stage the HolyPro shape decks will all have 8 holes. You can fill the holes if you like to put a battery under the board. The Griptape will cover that anyway. You could also buy a 35° long and cut your very own, preferred outline. People have been doing that for ages. The electric HolyPro deck with cable tunnel and Hall Sensor PCB is for enclosures on top of the board.


I see so many builds with especially the HS11 deck, and enclosure under the deck, so i simply can´t understand why hs11 is discontinued ?? that dosn`t make any sens at all… Do you only want to se eMTB Trampa builds ??

We allocate raw material to products we actually sell on our website to assure that our customers can purchase complete boards from us at any time. We can’t make only a few of something, that is the nature of the production process. Making the HP without and with holes means a pile of additional stock our end. We would need to make them in all ply ratings to please everyone’s wishes. If you browse our website, you can see that we have a lot of different decks to offer, most of them in 4 different ply ratings. Guess how big the pile of raw decks is already? We are talking about metric tons!

Trampa has more different parts to offer than anyone else and that actually means that we need to stock all that choice of goods in bigger quantities. Offering a new tire means needing space and money for a couple thousand tires. Guess how many $$$$$$$ dollar of stock sits on the shelf waiting for sale? In addition to that, stock consumes space and space costs money again. You should be glad that we have all that choice to offer. If you need to slightly modify our products to build you dream board, than it’s still better than not having it available at all. Everyone has different wishes and we try to offer parts to satisfy most of the wishes. At this stage we decided to allocate our available raw material to other products, so that they stay available on our website.

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I think the most of us understand that step. It’s the normal way of reducing capital tie. The decision trampa has to make is, which product makes the most profit. I guess trampa as a company grows and mature to a level where efficiency gets more in more in the focus. Maybe you have have investors that want to see a bigger margin or whatever it is.

I think this community, with all the enthusiasts that made a lot of products open-source tried to figure how to made there passion affordable see this step as a drawback.

More money through efficiency and other steps are a normal step in a maturing industry. The root of this is the financial system in my opinion. But we can’t change that. So trampa is now a bit more a part of the money focused machine, we all living in.

Of course trampa needs money to produce quality parts, but don’t forget where you come from. Don’t forget the people that made trampa big.

I think there is a way to bring something to the market, that can fix the issue with the holes. And I think trampa can find and sell it (for an affordable price)

Basically don’t become Evolve!

We are not the kind of company that chases the easy earned bucks! When you browse our website, you will see that there is tons of effort behind Trampa. Sometimes we have to compromise and we can’t always please everyone’s wishes. It’s not super tragic to fill the holes in a DIY built. @LunarKim would probably drop some LEDs in there in fill them holes up with transparent resin (-; I would take some automotive filler compound…



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I’d just buy the cheaper deck (35 short or long) and cut both ends into shape (only did the tail due to gear drive myself) . Would actually be nice if we could print templates of the Hs11 for shaping the deck.

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The HS 11 is longer than the 35short. You would need to re-shape the 35 long.


Just heads up guys, if the flexible ‘cable thingy’ you put your batteries into is made of PP or PE plastic there aren’t much you can use to glue them and glues that do, well I have even no idea where to purchase them but 3M does make special snake-oil glues for those.
A good check is that if you soak the piece into acetone or put acetone soaked towel standing onto it for like a hour (although 1min could be enough) and you don’t see any sticktivity nor melting of plastic you can be sure it’s PE/PP. They’re chemically very inert. Tho still the usual velco tapes and some double sided tapes stick to them GOOD and wont peel off with age, but chemicals like superglue, resins, silicones and silanes won’t get this strong binding they usually get. Hot glue at it’s gun-temperature will stick good onto PP/PE as well as it ‘melts’ onto the surface but it can be hit or miss
Making very rough surface could help to have a ‘mechanical’ bond tho you’d have to have lots of stuff sticking up

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