The Bouncer 35,5" | CarvOn V2 Dual | Dual VESC | 12S LiPo

Yesterday went for quick test run. Finally the sun is shining here in the North :sunglasses:


How else would you be able to screw enclosures onto your board?

By using these

ah right wood inserts. Well more research to do now…haha

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Yup! I think the trickiest part when building the e-skate is the fitting the components to the deck :grinning: The inserts that are in the picture are these

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You can see big grin on my friends face when he is testing my Bouncer. I think we have a new DIYer :wink:

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Did a distance test run with the Bouncer. I had already used the board for 3km before this so the starting voltage was 4.0V per cell. After 11.5km it was 3.8V per cell and when the soft cut-off started at 17.10km it was 3.24V per cell. I had set the cut-off at 3.3V but there was really steep hill at the end so I think that messes it up. I forgot to press continue on my watch when I continued after the 11km mark so the data is missing 1km.

So with 12S 6000mAh, dual Carvon V2 at fairly flat ground with 68kg rider I would say this setup can do 20km with one charge. Have to do next test with fully charged battery and with no breaks.

More data:

Still quite cold weather but carving keeps you warm :wink:

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wow that range is amazing! How would you say the accl is with the 25C LiPos.

I’m on edge between a LiPo setup and a premade cell like torqueboards or space cell

Thanks @broshi !

The acceleration is OK when starting from a stand still. It is slower than a mono 6374 geared setup but after it is going something like 15km/h it lights up the turbo booster rockets and and it just keeps accelerating to something like 70km/h. I have not tested how long it keeps accelerating because I dont want to die.

Are you telling me that those wheel motors can move you from standstill to +70Km/h? video or didn´t happen

Have not tried the top speed. Yet :wink:

Any ideas for good testing place here in Finland?

I like to use karting rings, easy way to check how long you can get before low voltage cuts off and its fun to take lap times.


I plan on spiltting my build to two. This deck will get the Jacobs hubs and I will install the carvons to the more sturdier deck from Reindeer Longboards new DH-deck, the Lynx :tiger: :100:% Finnish birch


Nice looking deck love the stain.Great specs.

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Latest cruise with both boards :sunny:

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Today made a new top speed record inside a velodrome with this build, 52km/h (according to Suunto Traverse GPS watch). The velodrome was in a bad shape and had still plenty of room on the throttle :sunglasses:

Some video footage of that session, had to leave the camera off when doing the fast lap.


Taking off the ERPM limiter :sunglasses:


Lol are you riding or computing lol

e-boarding is getting to be like lunching the space shuttle

I need to find a velodome … Looks too fun